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Princess pink
Joined on Dec 11, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
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Princess pink's Recent Quiz Comments
"You want training pants! 81%
Congratulations you like training pants! You love to pee your pants on purpose and maybe every once…"
1 -
"Do you need to be back into diapers?
Your Result: You probably need diapers during the day and night
2 -
"You need diaper punishment 77%
You are acting like a baby go to the store buy a diaper and punish yourself."
1 -
"Total BABY!!!!! 89%
resultYou are a total baby and definitely HAVE to be in diapers 24/7. Go purchase anything baby,…"
1 reply1 -
"Diapers 85%
No matter what you need diapers and you may have been wanting this or not do be sad though com on be happy but any…"
1 -
"Tou need Pull Ups 77%
You have little control over your bladder or bowels. You are getting potty trained; however, you have many…"
1 -
": Diaper Covers with Inserts 87%
Money may play a part in why you are going this route, but you also are concerned about…"
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In response to Candypanda33:
"I'm sorry my mom is making me write this do i…"
2 -
"You need nappies at night or goodnights 85%
You don't have control of your bowel or bladder at night, although you have control…"