Are you a bed wetter or baby

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This quiz will help you determine if you are a bed wetter or a full baby. A low score means you are not a bed wetter or a baby. A medium score means you are a bed wetter. A high score means you are and act like a baby.

People of all ages wet the bed while they sleep. Even non bed wetters can experience the random nighttime accident. If you get a medium to high result you might consider using protective resources . Protective resources range from large baby diapers, pull-ups (including Goodnights and Underjams), or full sized adult diapers.

Created by: lilzander383
  1. How old are you really (No effect)
  2. What is your Gender (No effect)
  3. Do you wet the bed?
  4. Do you were diapers and have bed mattress protection?
  5. Do you need diapers for bed?
  6. Do you want to wear diapers for bed?
  7. Do you like wearing diapers to bed?
  8. What kind of bed do you sleep in?
  9. Do you sleep in a Crib?
  10. Do you sleep with a pacifier?
  11. Do you need diapers for bed?
  12. What do you wear to bed
  13. What do you really want to wear?
  14. How old are you in your mind?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bed wetter or baby

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