which Baby-Sitters Club Charters are you like?

In this quiz it is real, and I'm serious, You will learn know which baby-sitters club chapter are you MOST likely to. Enjoy ! Remember the results may not come out as your thoughts.Thank you-Madelyn

like me I had taken quizzes of like the baby-sitters club quiz, and I decided to make one, I really like the bay-sitters club. The resualts may not be the person who you are thinking, but it's okay, this is my first time making a quiz

Created by: Madelyn
  1. Which of The subject is your favorite!
  2. Which words is you
  3. How badly would you want to be a leader?
  4. How big is your family?
  5. Where will you wanna go
  6. what does your first name starts from?
  7. What does your last name starts from?
  8. Do you have a middle name?
  9. Do you have a pet?
  10. what pet do you have?

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Quiz topic: Which Baby-Sitters Club Charters am I like?
