MegaDeth4evr's Profile

Joined on Jun 27, 2010
Status Level: Junior
MegaDeth4evr's Quizzes
- Just Another GoToQuiz Quiz[published: May 29, 2011, 10 comments]
Hi people of the GTQ world! It's another strange quiz from the same strange MegaDeth4evr! Are you……
- During a concert, do you put on a good stage show?[published: Dec 04, 2010]
"I'm Gonna be a star. Everyone will love me! I will be perfect! My friends……
- How insane are you?[published: Jul 18, 2010, 8 comments]
There are many people in this world who say things such as "I'm crazy", or "I must be insane" without even……
- FOR THE GOTOQUIZ USERS ONLY!!![published: Jul 12, 2010, 27 comments]
There are many, many people who use this site. For some, daily. But, after all, some of the……
- Bored? Take This![published: Jul 10, 2010, 21 comments]
If you're bored take this. ……
- How well of a MegaDeth fan are you?[published: Jun 27, 2010, 1 comment]
There are modern-day people. There are people who like different types of music. and one of……
MegaDeth4evr's Recent Posts
"all those songs... these are all too stupid "
MegaDeth4evr's Recent Quiz Comments
"ive seen better but still good quiz"
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"dude u must be like super genius because i didnt know any of them answers!!! wow i got like 20%!!! good quiz. very good. very...…"
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"okay this is only for girls and gay guys. next time, will you warn me? -_-'"
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"dude... next time ya might wanna try. and that wasn't "REALLLLLLLYYYY DIRTY" that was stupid."
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"shut up agar. i'm actually surprised anyone even took this"
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"wow that was awesome although i got 54 anything with megadeth i love it whoever made this would get along with me 'cuz i no weird random…"
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"i got gryffindor lol odd but cool in it's own way"
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"stu[id kwiz"
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"I believe this quiz has caused sort of a mess for us...
and "I am2344", it IS just a quiz."
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"i was jk"