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Love my big bell
Joined on Mar 8, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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"And I am extremely happy about that!!!"
1 reply2 -
"I am addicted to being fat I play with and stuff my belly everywhere I go I am 12 and 169 lbs waist measurement is 48 all of my weight…"
2 -
"77./. Obese said it would be hard for me to waddle a couple feet"
2 -
"Wat the hell?"
In response to twibrite:
"This is Tigerstar. I am from the warriors series,…"
1 -
"Then why did you take it?"
In response to LoveIsATrueGift:
"This Quiz was STUPID!!"
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"Eeeeeeeeewwwww why would you wanna be skinny?!? If youre underweight and dont eat you die more quick if youre underweight"
In response to littlekat101:
"ewwwww u r kinda sick. y would u want to get even…"
1 -
"Hey guess what I got 77% fat so suck it"
In response to yo mama:
"i was 49% fat. beat that girls"
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In response to laughy taffy:
"hey ppl, if u think it was so stupid then y did u…"
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"Whatever helps u sleep at night"
In response to chubbs:
"I'm fatter than you ObeseandProud"
1 -
"Calm down Karen Im eleven and almost 200 lbs and Im purposefully still stuffing my datas daily. I gained almost twenty pounds today cuz…"
In response to I like music:
"53%... I'm 13 and I wiegh 133 pounds, and I'm…"