Littlespaceboy's Profile

Joined on Jan 12, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
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"Im also wetting my diaper rn"
In response to bouncer pants:
"I'm wearing a tykables nappy ,with 2 pairs of…"
1 -
"the test says I need diapers I already knew that but now everyone at school calls me a baby so Im enrolled in a daycare with other…"
1 -
"i liked this quiz"
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"God I wish that happened to me so bad"
In response to catbag:
"My friend dared me to do this quiz & when…"
5 -
In response to Accident inmy:
"Would never training pants because enjoy poop…"
3 -
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In response to PeeBoi2468:
"I need cars pull ups it says but I prefer Diapers"
1 -
"Im apparently a big baby :)"
1 -
Yes, You are totaly a baby! You still need nappys, suck on a pacifier on a regular basis, are fed in a high Chair, or even…"
1 -
you wear still wear diapers, sleep in a bed. Wow you act like a kid but your growing up which is good! I'm so happy for you…"