Infinity's Profile


Joined on Jul 10, 2012
Status Level: Advanced

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12-Year Club
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Infinity's Quizzes

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Infinity's Recent Posts

  • "He's terrible. To say that he is okay just because we aren't having problems with Russia is completely ignorant to the current issues bubbli..."
  • "I don't know if this has been reported before, but on my phone and computer I don't have the Forum button. To even reach the Forums I have t..."
  • "Definitely, any of the US's presidents will affect current and future alliances with other countries. If Trump becomes president, I'm"
  • Autism Rights
    "Hmm okay I see what you mean. I never thought of it that way. From what you're saying, I understand that Autistic individuals should "
  • Autism Rights
    "Well, can you give further insight as to what you mean? I personally never looked into the rights of those who are autistic. So what is it a..."
  • "Do you think that Terrorist attacks have been happening a lot more often in the world, or is it just that we have more access to the media t..."
  • "It's fine DC. Go get some sleep. Sweet dreams :) Email me if you need anything too. ^-^"
  • "Divorce escalated quickly lol Being smart is annoying. When you can see the plot twist before it revels itself it kinda sucks xD"
  • "wow. Youre crazy xD I seem to be facing that problem a lot DC lol jk jk Im too smart for my own good at times. I always ruin m"
  • "when do you sleep :O but im most inspired at night. All the poems I wrote that have won awards I have written late at night"
  • "YES! The struggle is real. I hate how I should sleep at night...but thats when im most creative"
  • "We have our own little slice of hell haha Lizzette, Lizete, Lizeth, Liset, I even had some guy spell it "Licette" on m"
  • "Okay I give up on my profile pic xD"
  • "haha tis fine Same! xD They ALWAYS spell my name with two z's or add a 'th' at the end"
  • "Yup im looking for a pic right now xD Do people ever spell your name wrong?"

Infinity's Recent Quiz Comments
