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- 11.1K
Are you sat alone thinking; "Does he actually like me? Or am I an idiot?" Well this quiz should set your mind straight. Are you so unbelievably depressed …
- 53.1K
***READ THIS DISCRIPTION*** In order to get accurate results, please get a peice of paper and a pen. Write the numbers 1-5 vertically, and follow the …
- 458How well do you know GS OT?2.38rated: 2.38/5Promoted 16 years agotaken 458 times
There are many forums on the Interwebs. However, not all forums are created equal. Some forums are for those who have no brain (aka 4chan), and some forums …
- 980
Barack Obama. 3 years ago, no one even knew his name. Now, he is an international celebrity. But Obama and the media have worked hard to cover up his not so …
- 15.5KWhat's Your Charmed Power3.37rated: 3.37/5Promoted 16 years agotaken 15.5K times3 comments
eva seen charmed, if not oh well. do u believe in super powers and witches if you do then ur wierd, im not juding and if you dont then youll laugh at this quiz …
- 44.3K
There Are Many People In This World. Some Are Poor, Some Are Normal And Some May Be Famous! The Truth Is, Who Would Be? For Your Clever Mind, I Put You In The …
- 25.2K
This quiz is simple to be described I just wanted to find out if people are worthy to be alive, but I also want to have fun while doing so, so while being both …
- 472K
How many of you Harry Potter fans wonder what your patronus animal would be? Living in a muggle world it is difficult to tell, until now! This quiz will quickly …
- 48.8K
There are those who have a rep for being bad and those who dont. Which one are you? And if you have a rep is it real? Find out through this quiz!!! Are you …
- 6.9K
There are alot of people saying they love themselves, but when things are a bit harder they lose their world!!why is that happening?Maybe they don't love …