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- 2.7K
Hello everyone! This is part six of the "Which will fall for you" quiz series. I'm sorry it's so late, but I'm very busy during the week. Anyway, I hope to have …
- 20.3K
This is a does he like you quiz. If you like someone then take this quiz and see if he likes you to! Or you can just take this quiz for fun even if you don't …
- 1.9K
Do you feel like every man you have dated was a let-down? Well, take my test and find out what kind of dude will fit your fancy. I have a selection of basic …
- 8.7K
This quiz will tell you your steriotype. eg - chav, emo or girly girl. If you are unsure which of these you mostly are, or want to pass time by answering …
- 16.7K
You're gonna be a shining star, in fancy clothes, and fancy cars And then you'll see, you're gonna go far, Cause everyone knows, just who you are-are. So …
- 1.4K
there are awesome singers and actresses after all everyonoe watches tv so they should know who these people are giiiiiiirrrrrrlllllssss you have to be yourself …
- 17.9K
Hello there!!!! Do you have a date? If you do, have you ever wondered if you and that boy were meant to go together? And if you don't have a date, have you ever …
- 34.9K
This is a quiz to see if he REALLY likes you. to see if he is interseted in you. to see if he is in love with you with somone else. to see if your just dreamin …
- 5.6K
What baby gender are you going to have? This quiz will totaly tell exactley who you'll do best with!Will it be a girl? will it be a boy? This quiz will tell …
- 10.3KWhat 80's song are you?3.07rated: 3.07/5Promoted 16 years agotaken 10.3K times1 comment
Every good 80's song has a meaning behind it- an element, if you will- that makes it unique from the others. It sets a mood in your mind as you listen to it? …