My Journey As A Demigod (Part 2!) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz My Journey As A Demigod (Part 2!).

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  • Grr... my comment on part 1 never posted... >.< Ah, well! I'm here now. ^.^

    I completely agree with everything DOA said; a lot of story quizzes that I read are rushed, confusing, and don't take much time to get into detail, and there's a lot of spelling errors, which you don't have in your quizzes. =) Keep up the excellent work! Can't wait for part 3!!

  • :O But the.... And then him.... This is so good! I think it's great that you put Nico in! You should come on the forums sometime. I want to give you a few ideas. But DOA will probably be mad at me afterwards!

  • So freakin good. Anx thanks for the shout-out. Also, which stories of mine have you read?

    I just love your writing style. I like how you take it slow and it's detailed out, but than what I do :P. Get the next part out fast.


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