I Need Advise!!!!! *part 1* | Comments

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  • So, everyone has guy issues. I had them especially last year.

    1. About the older guy, go for it. So what if he's just a year older.The age gap could be bigger. For example, 4 or 5 years. Plus, there's probably a couple of people in your grade that are a year older than you too.

    2. So for you, moving from a private school to public must be a huge leap. There isn't really a good answer for that one. Think of the bright side, at public school you can learn to fend for yourself. At the beginning of the year (many years ago), I was considered the "new girl". I was in a similar situation that you were or are in. I went from a 'better' school to one that didn't have a good reputation. Anyway, when I first started I was scared because I had imagined the worst and what the rumors had said. In the end I was able to make really great friends. (sorry, I babble) Public school isn't that bad. Trust me, I went to public schools and I know for a fact that the people there don't bite.

    3. Lastly (sorry this is taking you so long to read)about the guy who likes you in your grade. Get to know him first or, just wait and see what happens. Only time can tell.

    Anyway, I hoped my constant babbling helped you somewhat.

  • Ok first for the boy don't go out with neither of them. Ok for school, i know how you feel i was very popular and then i moved. So now im a inbetweener.

    Copy n Type
  • OK so thing is it shouldn't matter if he's older than you by a year. My idea is the five year range, if he's five or fewer years older than you then your in the clear. But when you get older, don't base love off of age, base it off of (of course) love.

    If these guy truely like you, then they shouldn't hate you if you don't want them that way. I have a guy friend that asked me out but I said no, and we're still friends today.

    Moving schools is not that big of a deal. Sure everyone makes it sound scary, but think about it. How else do you make friends? They were once strangers and ALAKAZAM! you're friends. So once you get to the new school, you'll eventually get new friends.

    Hope that helps :)

  • @ivoryleaf, thank you soooo much!!!! I haven't been to school yet (because I'm sick) but I will definitely take your advise!! And I'm in the 6th grade, but at my school, stuff like is matters! Plus, I have been held back a year.

    Miss Direction
  • 4) About that guy liking you in your grade. Sure it's probably easier since he's around the same age as you and it would make everything so much better but if you don't like him, what's more to say? It is definitely harder to like someone older than you but things will eventually work out and having that feeling in your chest is definitely worth it. Work for it girl (:

    Btw, what grade are you in?

  • I totally get you about the whole thing. People make such big deals out of nothing.

    1) You like that older guy? GO FOR HIM. Like seriously, don't think of what others might react just ask him out and make the first move. I liked a guy older than me and he liked me back but things just sort of slipped away. It usually happens if you don't grab the opportunity. Don't let that happen and keep in touch when you move. Go on dates on the weekends and stuff. A year older than you is no big deal. I suggest not going out for the first date and just hang in his/your room and eat snacks and just cuddle and watch movies. That way you're more comfortable around each other so when you do go out for dates it's not the most awkward thing in your life.

    2) For the guys who like you and try to get your attention, smile at them, talk for a while and play along but not too seriously. Don't lead them on big time, just be subtle until they get it that you don't really need them trying to get at you. If you don't like them, you don't have to pay attention to them. Unless you fall for one of them. If you're pretty close to them, you could tell them that it's your decision. I know things get out of hand sometimes so maybe you could shout something like YOU'RE ALL IN MY FRIENDZONE. Or something. Don't say yes until you're sure you truly like them. They just want you as some competition prize since other guys like you. And if that's true it's going to really hurt in the end. Really hurt.

    3) I can't really help you at the public school thing. I've been to private schools my whole life and I would be scared to go to a public school too. Just dress smart, be friendly and make A LOT of good impressions and a lot of friends. Don't be annoying at the wrong times, don't be annoying at all, don't pretend to be a know it all when you're not and smile a lot at people. Don't be afraid to be the first one to introduce yourself. That's what I do at every scho

  • Thank you so much!! It really helped!!

    Miss Direction
  • Hey Miss Direction! Hopefully I can help you with this situation you have here... 1) & 2) Don't sweat this older guy & the other guys. If you really don't like them then don't worry about them. 3) Also, don't worry so much about going to a public school. I went to a private high school for a while but in Middle School and Elementary school they were public. If the kids at your current school are a little snobby, then you will definitly meet kids who are a little bit flexible in public school. Don't get me wrong, you will encounter snobby, nice, cute, and mean kids anywhere you go. Just take it one day at a time. Keep in touch with your friends at your private school and make new friends at your public school too! 4)So this guy likes you and he's in your grade. If you really like him back then go for it. Hang out with him and become friends first and if he asks you out, then date him!

    I hope my advice helped...GOOD LUCK!

  • With the guy thing, follow your heart. Don't let any guy change your mind. You may like an older guy, honestly, that's no big deal! Don't sweat about it. That guy in the same grade as you that likes you, decide if you like him. If not, don't go out with him. Don't go out with guys just cuz they ask. Go out with a guy because your heart flutter's when you see him, because you like him. And don't worry about public school. Don't try to be someone you're not, be confident and be happy. Be yourself. They won't eat you, I promise! Good luck and I hope this helped!


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