How Autistic Are You? | Comments

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  • You are 43% Autistic 43%

    Your score is not bad however, there is room for improvement. It is never too late to get the help you need to succeed in life. You will go through hard times before reaching your major goals. You may have trouble looking for a job and finding love in your life. You still have potential to better yourself to become a more well-rounded invididual. Never lose hope!

    Good Thing my mom is an ABA Therapist!

    Kiersten 1D
    • ABA is torture and child abuse to Autistics.

      Randy 666
  • 23% because you have a job and can drive... I said no for both of them things. I am 13 years old how on earth am I ment to get a job, I clicked the option under 18. These questions are ridiculous most of them not even related to autism. Also how does my level of education affect anything? I'm 13 I obviously don't have a master's degree!

  • 42%

  • you are a autistic nub\

  • This was a horrible quiz. I'm autistic and couldn't even understand what half the questions were asking or what the hell some of the answers were supposed to mean.

    Not only that, but I found the ending to be a bit ableist, saying I had "room for improvement". Wtf? I don't need to "improve" my behaviour to be less autistic. This was absolutely the s---tiest, most ableist, ridiculous piece of garbage I've ever seen.

  • You are 13% Autistic 13%

    You are one of the lucky ones. You have been raised very well by your parents. You've actually graduated from college! Either with a two-year, four-year, master's or even a Ph.D degree. You have a LOT of potential to live on your own, take care of yourself and hold down a good paying job. You also have the potential to get married and start a wonderful family of your own. You are an inspiration! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    This is completely wrong. I am high-functioning.

    • Same Im night functioning-
      I did get 50% tho....

  • It got me completely right! High functioning! 33% which is weird as that is one of my favourite numbers!

  • 37%, high functioning. truth.

    As for the chap who said they didn't believe in autism or mental illness... how thick can you get?

    Some of the questions, I feel, didn't relate, i.e. some people are too young to drive cars who take this test, or too young to get a job.

  • Don't even bother with this quiz. It's a piece of crap, seriously. Find a real Aspergers Syndrome quiz on Google or something because this is highly inaccurate.

  • 9%~~ :) I'm glad I'm not as bad as I thought. I thought I would be super bad, like around 60 - 70, but 9. Very surprising indeed.

    Lee Tani
  • 11% surprised by the result actually coz I feel I can't do what normal people can, be able to find and get a job, get a relationship or evn socialise which I always avoid. But hey I wouldn't take all the word from the results there are lots of different perspectives in this world!

  • I filled this out for my mom. I tried three times, and each time, it said she could drive a car, although I entered no. It refused to take no for an answer. I also said she had no job. It said she was highly functioning because she can drive and get a job. It makes me distrust this test.

  • 26%, says I'm high functioning which is true.

  • 31%, although I had to ignore some questions. I dunno if I have any mental illnesses, but I'm pretty insecure around people that someone I trust hasn't introduced to me.

  • i got 21% wich is ok with me i mean i have sensory intergration disorder aka sid i can do stuff for myself but i do need help with stuff like math, money im geting better at that and spelling i have vary poor spelling skills. and when it comes to friends i have only a few i've never been good at makeing them.

    greg house
  • I got 51% but I am not autistic. At least thats what my mom said but I think I am because I am more focused on cartoon characters (and im a freshman in high school) than my peers and i HATE anything social I barely have any friends who I hang out with and i almost never talk in school. My step parents are continuing to yell at me for not having "social skills"

    • you doing good now? it's 2019 buddy :). You were a freshman when posting that so now you should be 3 years done with highschool? thats so cool!

  • I scored very low,I have sensory integration disorder or whatever the newest name of it is at the moment which is part of the Autism spectrum. My parents very babied me really and until my freshman year I had no idea that I had been diagnosed although I can recall spending time both in programs for advanced students as well as time in the special education room for pt and ot as a child.

  • I think the problem with the test is a lot of the questions aren't really applying that much to autism. They're more applying to Learning Disabilities that sometimes come with autism. I got 41%

  • I got 56%. I am diagnosed with autism, and am mostly moderate functioning. I have much experience helping me be more functional than I otherwise would be, but I am still very very autistic. Not sure that "56% autistic" really describes it though, that seems low.

  • I got 41%. Good test :)

  • I can hide under the covers when the cleaners start vacuuming the corridor all by myself!

    I am old enough to answer all questions and scored 37% - higher than I expected. I'd be considered high-functioning in general and am now studying software engineering.

  • I took this test just from curiosity. I'm not autistic. Anyway I'v got 7%. I'm not sure what does this say about the test.

  • I have mild autism in real life, and i passed this test, so i think im good, LOL

  • 20%. Yes, I am a high functioning Autistic, although I'm not an adult so I had to say no to some questions.

    Hikaru Katsu
  • hey i like the test but some of the questions ruin the test because some people are not old enough to drive a car or get a job. but other than that it is a great test thanks for making it.


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