MCnoobHere's Profile

Joined on Jan 28, 2021
Status Level: Novice
MCnoobHere's Quizzes
- RP:Be a Child or a Parent![published: Dec 29, 2021, 5 comments]
Have you ever wanted to role play as a child or adult?Then this is your quiz. You will see if you are……
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MCnoobHere's Recent Quiz Comments
"Oh more candy!"
In response to crumbs:
"rip...I'm a bad child but meh!! close to reality..."
1 -
"Losing faith in these types of people...."
1 -
In response to peni69:
"you are a autistic nub\"
1 -
":O okay...lemme just fade into dust...."
In response to Ebillan:
"I don't believe in autism or anything that has to…"
1 -
"(Sorry if this sounds mean) how is autism able to be "cured"?????"
In response to Zk39:
"I was autistic when i was younger I always…"
1 -
"I did not know it said that, but well, there's your proof that this quiz is ableist...I'm disappointed in whoever wrote this quiz.."
In response to Nytes:
"Maybe it was just me, but this quiz was…"
1 -
"Yes, the term "weird" is subjective"
In response to Walker:
"This is to opionated and subjective. I do not…"
2 -
"Ah yes, you will DEFINITELY, totally fade into too, me too"
In response to InvalidHuman:
"im suprised I only got 68%, I was dignosed a…"
1 -
"I will fade into the darkness, because apparently I'm "faking it"! Bye bye, world. [No I'm not going to sleep forever.]"
1 -
"Ya,think so.Otherwise great quiz!"
In response to OakTree:
"Please correct the numerous spelling errors."