Don't leave me hanging part 31 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Don't leave me hanging part 31.

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  • @xxblutixx In that case you'd have to make him lose his right eye too. BUT, I'd probably be in the angry mob if you did so(As to his hair, even being as frustrating as it is)(Jack: I'm sorry for being frustrating, then >.>)

    Hm, as far as it is right now, I'd say Kris is the best looking one. I guess that all of my skills went to him(I drawed him first), so Jack and the rest weren't so well-done. I think I'll work more on that. Sigh.

  • @AiFiahK3mE noo :/ GTQ has taken up a habit of eating people's comments lately. It's very annoying, and makes me paranoid now that my comment will disappear, so I always copy the text from my comments in case they don't post. Oh, it's nice to hear that you're making progress on that ^^ if I made him shave his head would that make it easier? XP on second thought, doing that would probably result in an angy mob outside my door.

    @Flight ah that was I was trying to achieve in this part, developing Blake as a charcter more. Glad it worked haha thank you for particiapating in the mini-contest

  • Ugh... I feel kinda bad now for making up with Blake and then having to steal from him, but I'm still on the good side. :) this part made me think a bit differently of Blake now, though. As to the mini-contest, is it xxdarkxx?

  • f---. I already commented again, but it also disappeared >:(

    I'm not eager to write everything again, so I'll just say something new.

    You know that drawing I was making, with the characters of your story? It's going forward, I've made a huge progress those past hours. Kris was an angel, but Jack was a b!tch. Specially his hair.

    Sorry for cursing a lot now, but I'm really frustrated(because of Jack and his stupid hair) >.>

  • @xxblutixx I'm better now. If I remember right, I meant to say this:

    Okay, now I'm really indecisive. I'm torn between Blake, and ALL of the other guys. I could kiss you for that. BUT, I'd also love to kill you for it >:) You HAVE to make the good-bye with Blake so much more difficult, don't you?

    I also said some stuff of why I thought @xxdarkxx was the writer that inspirated you, but I don't remember what. So, I think that was it :)

  • Ohhh I was wondering if that was what happened; it makes more sense now. I hope you feel better later

  • @xxblutixx My other comment disappeared >:

    That's why it's a little hard to understand that. I wrote before only @xxdarkxx's name, and not what series she wrote. I also said much more than that, but I'm a bit of emotionally unstable right now(and also REALLY tired), so I won't bother to write everything again now. Maybe I'll do it later.

  • @AiFiahK3mE thanks for the guess, now we've got 4 different possible writers and 5 people participating :) what did you not think you needed to say?

  • I mean @xxdarkxx from "Which will fall for you", but I don't think I needed to say that?

  • You had to make the choice harder, didn't you? This quiz obviously made me like Blake much more >.> I'm definitely torn between him and ALL of the guys. I could kiss you for that. But I could also kill you for it. I just don't know what to think! >.>

    My wildest guess of who inspired you to write this series is: @xxdarkxx

    I've read her story(Which she apparently has forgotten about), and it's simply amazing. It's truly a great series , where people can get lots of inspiration from.

    Also, I noticed that you read those series. So, I think you got your inspiration from her quizzes.

  • @starscreamer haha glad you were excited :) thanks for your participation; I do love her writing. Ooo a threat o.o the next part should be out within a week :)

  • Woohoo! it finally came out!!!!! *excited face and happy dance* Ok for the contest i think its.... xX3mo_Ang3lXx? thats the only person i can think of. You better make the next one quick or im coming after you!

  • @_ViolaLover_ awh :3 I'm glad I was able to cheer you up; state testing isn't fun at all :(

    @Yupthatsmyname why are the bad boys always hot? XD

    @KaliaRox I can imagine... sometimes I wish that I could live on some tropical island because it's always so beautiful

    @angelic 4 awh, someone's fallen for Blake :3

    Thanks for the participation, so we've got two people who think it's Dannica and one who says Alethea... interesting. I won't reveal the answer or the winner until part 34, though ;) I will say that they are both excellent choices, since I did read both of them a year ago and they're awesome.

  • Kris, Jack and Blake *sigh* Blake's got a hold of my heart

  • Since everybody voted Dannica,i'm going to vote for Alethea? who will you love?Series writer.I'm just guessing.My desintination spot would be Nuka Hiva in French Polynesia!It's beautiful!

  • Okay, I think I've got it...*drum roll* it's..."They Love Me" by Dannica? It came out a while ago, but it's pretty good. And if that isn't it, and you haven't read it, you should =)

  • Is it dannica? And I was so confused as to what to think about for this while quiz.... I have a habit of liking guys I shouldn't trust

  • I was SO happy when I saw this out! You really cheered me up, I've been so stressed about my classes next year, and the state testing I have to take...*sigh* but then I saw this and *happy dance* You're such an amazing writer! I'm so going to guess which writer inspired you, but I'm going to post it on a later comment so I can research ;)

  • @Bluebird Awwhhh, thank you so much!!! I'm glad you thought so, I'm trying to develop his character a little more :) as with PersonXD, I look forward to seeing you both submit who you think it is. I never would've thought I'd inspire anyone to write, let alone 2 fantabulous writers such as Firey_Soul and yourself :o that warm, fuzzy happy feeling? Yeah, it won't go away now X3 Just the three of your comments have made my day much better (even if it's nighttime) Thanks again ^^

  • I loved it!!! Th overall feelings that I had fit perfectly together and it was such a different side of Blake. I still like Cory though. I don't know who it is yet but I will guess later on for the contest. Like you did with @Firey_Soul you were on of the ones that inspired me to get an account and start my series Love Complications. And I've expanded from there. I've never properly thanked you for that and the fact that you read my series and commented and stayed with them. So... Thanks so much! :')

  • First off, sorry for making you two feel bad :S Now,

    @PersonXD I like how you reserved your spot there XD I've just re-realized how you've been commenting on my quiz for a long time o.o I believe you were the vote against meeting Blake wayyy back in like part 6 or 7, so let me just applaud you now and THANK YOU for sticking with me so long :) Take your time, I'm interested to see who you guess. Oh and I have 10 questions of part 32 pre-written already :)

    @Firey_Soul hmm *checks notes* so far, part 32 is looking like it'll have some drama, but it if there's any time I can get some guy time in, consider your suggestion considered. Wow, was it really? I actually partly inspired you to create your series? I'm having a serious case of the fuzzies right now, THANK YOU X3

  • Alright I feel bad for Blake, but that whole thing was a distraction. I think that hes up to know good, and I do think I could have stayed longer to distract him, although he didn't need distracting so its good I left. I feel bad for him but that's life sometimes. Now I feel like a horrible person. I'm going think some more before I guess but I've got a guess. And looks like my twin didn't get the time to save my butt memo. As always lovely quiz, next one better be up sooner.


  • Btw, I don't know if you know this, but when I first joined gotoquiz, I do believe your series was the first story quiz series I ever read. I fell in love with it right away. I still think you're one of the best writers ever! :) You are actually one of the people that inspired me to create Paranormal Love. :)

  • I was so psyched that you finally got part 31 out! Amazing as always, but I feel like crap for doing that to Blake. :( He has to make everything so difficult. I hope there's Kris in the next part, or Cory. Or both. Both would be awesome. ;D And... um, I have no idea who inspired you to make this epic series but I owe them a 'thanks'! I'm gonna skip the contest. I'm sure the story will turn out awesome no matter where the characters go. :)

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