Don't leave me hanging part 31 | Comments

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  • Details for the little contest/competition :

    Question to answer: Which GTQ writer inspired me to start this series?

    For bonus points, you can try to guess the 3 aspects of my series that were inspired by this particular writer; one bonus point per aspect. If anyone gets all three, I'll be blown away, and I might just have to throw in another prize :)

    Prize: Once you win, you'll be able to describe a dream destination that you'd like the characters to visit, including what they'll do/see, etc. and I'll make it happen

    Deadline: umm... have your answers in before part 34 at the latest I guess, there's not really much of a rush XD

    Since this is a difficult question, I'll give you a hint. Remember that I've been writing for over a year on GTQ, so that should narrow down the number of writers there are to pick from by quite a bit


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