Which Swedish Political Party Do You Support?

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Find out which of the nine Norwegian political parties represented in the Storting (parliament) you most agree with (except the one issue party that got one seat this election). Find out which of the nine Norwegian political parties represented in the Storting (parliament) you most agree with (except the one issue party that got one seat this election). Each question in quiz will be a statement. You will have to choose whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with that statement.

All the questions and the party attitudes are copied from the NRK Valgomat 2021, this is just for english speakers. Party description are mostly just copied from Wikipedia.

Created by: Bert
  1. I am concerned that the current tax level will increase economic inequality
  2. There should be more for profit kindergartens and nursing homes
  3. Norway needs a strict immigration policy
  4. I am concerned that international agreements will lead to Norway having decreased determination
  5. No one should be punished for having drugs for their own use
  6. I must be free to choose privately owned services when I need treatment in a hospital
  7. The municipalities should not be allowed to collect more in property tax
  8. It is right to increase the price of petrol and diesel to save the climate
  9. We must use far more of the public resources to facilitate that people can live in the districst
  10. Women should have the right to have a self-determined abortion (without comitee approval) even after week 12 of pregnancy

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Quiz topic: Which Swedish Political Party do I Support?

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