Which Danish Political Party Should You Support? 2022

Welcome to the 3rd instalment of the Which Danish Political Party Should You Support? Now updated with parties, stances and hot topics as of juli 2022.

In the quiz you will presented with a list of statements, where you then must respond wether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with the statement.

Created by: Andefar
  1. It is an issue if economic inequality rises further in society.
  2. Denmark should remain a member of the European Union.
  3. Denmark should remain a monarchy.
  4. The top tax (a 15% tax on highest earners) should be removed.
  5. The Islamic call to prayer should be banned.
  6. Denmark should have a government over the center, thereby breaking the block system.
  7. Inger Stoejberg did the right thing, and was wrongfully prosecuted for her actions.
  8. Too much focus is given to Copenhagen, with the rest of Denmark, especially Jutland, being left behind.
  9. Those who work physically exhausting jobs should have the right to retire earlier.
  10. Mette Frederiksen should face an independent lawyer inquiry into her role in the mink scandal, so we can decide wether a potential supreme court case is in order.
  11. Buying and smoking hash should be legal.
  12. It was right for Denmark to vote in favour of removing the EU defence reservation, meaning Denmark can now fully participate in EU defence politics.
  13. Danes pay too much in taxes.
  14. Denmark should remain a member of NATO.
  15. It should be legal to own pepper spray for self defence.
  16. More money should be redistributed from wealthy municipalities to poorer ones.
  17. There should be gender quotas for the Board of Directors for companies.
  18. Islam is incompatible with Danish values.
  19. Economic support for full-time students should be cut, or alternatively made into a loan instead.
  20. The car registration tax (85% of the car's price for non-electric/hybrid cars) should be removed.
  21. Religious circumcision of minors, which does not a have verified medical reason behind it, should be banned.
  22. Denmark should focus on expanding the motorways instead of expanding public transportation.
  23. We must impose stricter requirements on the use of pesticides in agriculture.
  24. It should be legal to wear the burqa and niqab in the public spaces.
  25. Labour unions have too much power in this country.
  26. The retirement age should be increased further than planned. (Will reach 72 by 2050)
  27. Danish immigration laws are too harsh.
  28. Denmark should consider the use of nuclear power.
  29. Taxes on petrol need to lowered.
  30. A special climate tax on beef needs to be implemented to discourage consumption.

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Quiz topic: Which Danish Political Party should I Support? 2022
