Which Hetalia character are you?

We all love Hetalia and all the characters, But have you wondered which one you are? I give you a really cruddy quiz that i only spent 20 minutes on about witch character you are from hetalia

hebdu3bf3brd32hrbfeuhdb3eurbf43rgr4tg43rf556tgnjowebdehrnd 2juehbfiedbdej3rbfij3brgih3rnfuy34rnfk3 rbfj43bru3beruifhb3rjfhb3rihfb3rifhb4ruifb4uirhbf43ihrbf3irhbf

Created by: Bailee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite food?
  2. Hair?
  3. Pick a number and a letter(This will have an affect)
  4. Pick a word that appeals to you (No affect)
  5. Getting bored cause' I am.
  6. I wanna see your Peacock-cock your Peacock-cock
  7. R U READY!?!
  8. To bad yo have to wait. stupid twelve questions.
  9. Are you Asian?
  10. Are you brave enough to lemme' see your peacock :DD

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Quiz topic: Which Hetalia character am I?