Which Harry Potter Charachter Are You? | Comments

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  • I love Luna, she's calm and carefree. I am more of a Hermione though perhaps not as smart. i was never very fond of Ginny but maybe that is just because she stole Harry from me! I do love Ron though and for some reason Draco.

  • Yup, I'm Hermione through and through (though slightly less extreme!)

  • Good quiz! Though, I think I do a better Ron than Hermione. I have a few reasons. I'm the best friend, I can be stubborn, and I probably be a bit jealous of Harry but I'm not gonna be that mad at him! It's not like he wanted it. Stuff I have in common with Hermione: We're both smart (Though, I'm not as smart as her), we'll stand up to something (I would stand up to sexism and she stood up for the house elves), and sometimes friends would come to you for help.


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