Which guy is your dream guy?Part 8

Hii!Time for some free advertisements!Justinburkeonyoutuberockshe'ssocuteandhottieisnheyoushouldcheckhimouttellhimMayRosesentyou.Oh by the way,My fav guys out of the 4 is Zack,and Andrew!

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Created by: MayRose
  1. He runs out of the Cinema,with the other four guys trailing behind him!He finds his car throws you in the back,and drives away!
  2. He made a mistake.You don't have yuor hands or feet tied up,and your door isn't locked.You open the door and jump!!!"_____,NOOOO!"He yells!You get up and start running!He turns the car around,and starts to chase you!
  3. You are one block away from the Cinema.You run like crazy!Heathe is really REALLY close,and he is covering ground fast!"_____!I'm coming for you!I want my kiss!!!"You are now in the Cinema parking lot!You see the guys and run straight at them.Your closing your eyes and you accidently run into Zack!
  4. You both fly to the ground.You landing on top of him(by accident of course)You get up,only to be grabbed by the wrist by Heathe!He has a gun!"If any of you try and stop me,i'll shoot her."He says calmly.The guys back away,but while Heathe's looking away,you see Zack mouths something to you.He's mouthing 'I'll grab the gun when he's not looking,you distract him'.'Okay'you mouth."Hey Heathe,"you say."Yes love?"He says looking at you."I just wanted to ask you something.Did it hurt."You say."Hurt when what?"He says."Well,this!"You punch him in the mouth!When you did this,Zack grabbed the gun from Heathe!Heathe wipes the blood of his face,then he punches Zack in the head.
  5. Zack passes out,and Heathe grabs the gun again.The other 3 guys are shocked,Heathe then punches the others(except Royce)in the head.They,also pass out!Royce however,jumps outta the way,and tries to punch Heathe again,but sadly, misses.
  6. Heathe then kicks him in the head.Royce falls to the ground,unconsious.Heathethen ties your hands together,but with handcuffs.He takes you to his car and buckles you in.You are in complete shock,and won't even talk to him.It doesn't matter,he won't talk to you either,his mouth is still bleeding.
  7. He drives you to a mysterious log cabin,in the forest.He brings you inside,then locks you into a room by yourself.By now,you snapped out of your trance,and turn on the lights.You see that it's a small room that has a bed in the corner,and a closet.
  8. You see a tray of food on your bed,and notice that it's steak.You are starving!You eat the steak,but then notice a knife.You have an idea.You go into the closet,and carve a hole into the back.You keep on carving until you break through!Yay!You have just made a hole big enough for you to go through!You climb through!
  9. As your running,an alarm goes off!Heathe hears this and dashes out the door!He runs after you!Luckily,you're pretty fast,so you're beating him so far.You look behind you to see his face,it's angry with rage!!!
  10. Once you see this,you run even faster!You are so freaked out!You go fast enough,that you take a turn,and hide under a fallen tree.He runs right by you,not even noticing you.Once he's out of sight,you get out of your hiding place and start running toward the highway,it's not to far away.
  11. You run all the way to a pay phone and call the guys.They are thrilled to hear your voice!They are asking questions like what happened,and where are you?You tell them where you are.
  12. The guys pick you up,and you go home.You don't talk to them on the way back.You sit in the corner of the car and look out the window.Once you get home,you go straight to bed.The next morning,you go downstairs for breakfast.You're the only one awake.You go and watch Tom and Jerry for about an hour,then Zack comes downstairs.
  13. "Hi _____,Whatcha watching?"He says playfully."Tom and Jerry,oh by the way,Zack are you okay?You know,you got hit pretty hard yesterday,by Heathe,and by me."You whisper the last part so quietly,he has to ask you to repeat it."Oh,i'm fine."He says.
  14. When the rest of the guys rolls out of bed,you and Zack watching are Criminal Minds.They enter at the moment when Dr.Reid is about to crack the case along with agent Morgan(You should watch it!It's positively entertaining!).It's Zack's favorite show.
  15. The doorbell rings,everyone in the room freezez.It rings about 5 more times,until the person gives up.Blaze,once he saw the car leave went outside to find another letter!"Hey,ummm guys?There's another letter,should we open it?"They all look at you.You nod.Blaze reads the note aloud."Hahaha _____,better sleep with one eye open doll face!Cuz i'm gonna find you.I'll see you soon,that's a promise.I still must repay you for that time you punched me in the mouth >;).See ya soon. . . .Hun."Blaze chokes out the last word with a bitter laugh."Okay,we gotta get security camera's,and fast."The guys order a lot of security camera's and alarms.They arrive the next day.
  16. You go to your room to get your favorite hairband,when you see a note on the door.It says,'Meet me at the pool. -Austin P.S,Andrew's here too.You go and pick out a swimsuit.What one do you pick?
  17. You go outside in whatever you picked,expecting to see Austin and Andrew,but instead you see. . . . CLIFFHANGER!!!
  18. Sorry.Who do you love?

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Quiz topic: Which guy is my dream guy?Part 8