What subject are you?

Ever feel drawn to a particular subject in school? Maybe you have, or maybe not. But either way, this quiz will match you to one.

You can find out now what you think you'll excel in or if you just want to find out what you would be if your a subject, go ahead, it's fun ( or else....kidding)

Created by: Colleen
  1. On a weekend, you would rather...
  2. Your favorite class is.....
  3. If you could buy anything from one store, what would you get?
  4. Your favorite animal is...
  5. Your favorite color....
  6. Your favorite kind of tree
  7. If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
  8. Would you rather be somewhere else right now?
  9. A random thought in your head would be....
  10. Are you any good at cooking?
  11. This will affect your score greatly. Was this an awesome quiz?

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Quiz topic: What subject am I?