What's Your Destiny? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's Your Destiny?

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  • I've always wanted to be a writer! :D

  • What's Your Destiny?
    Your Result: Animal Rescuer
    Yay I love animals in need

    Your destiny is to open up a small animal rescue. You'll spend your life saving dogs, cats, horses, and other species from neglect and abuse. At first you won't have a lot of money, but an anonymous donation of 10 thousand dollars will pay for everything. You'll become very successful. Police will call you first when they have an animal abuse case. Your greatest achievement will be finding and exposing a large dog fighting community, and saving thousands of dog's lives.

    56% Traveler
    56% Doctor
    40% Chef
    33% Police Officer
    24% Go To Jail
    20% Astronaut
    20% Photographer
    0% Writer

    Lady magnet 123
  • My Result: Writer by 78%

    Your destiny is to become a writer. When you publish your first book it becomes an instant success. You are very surprised because you didn't think you were that good of a writer. But people worldwide send you fanmail and encourage you to write a sequel. So you do! You become a famous Author of this century. People will remember you for years to come. So don't be afraid to pick up a pen and start practicing!

    Traveler by 62%
    Photographer by 44%
    Animal Rescuer by 36%
    Go To Jail by 21%
    Chef by 0%
    Astronaut by 0%
    Doctor by 0%
    Police Officer by 0%

    Sweet!! I have always wanted to be a writer!! :) :D

    Elaine Evans
  • 100% Animal Rescuer. That's what I wanted to be as a little kid. :D Shabamellez!

  • Your Result: Traveler 76%

    Your destiny is to be a traveler. You'll acquire a large sum of cash when you reach a certain age, and spend it driving, sailing, and flying all over the world. You'll visit every continent and almost all the islands, and become fluent in twelve languages, and proficient in eight. You'll visit all the wonders of the world, and meet many cultures and interesting people. Sometimes you will have bad luck and run out of gas in the middle of nowhere, or take the wrong stop. But you have a great time anyways, because your doing what you love to do.

    58% Writer
    54% Astronaut
    45% Police Officer
    27% Chef
    26% Go To Jail
    0% Animal Rescuer
    0% Doctor
    0% Photographer

    That would be REALLY Great!!! I would love to travel... but I'd probably be a writer as I traveled. I'd love to be a traveling author!! :DD BEST QUIZ EVER!!

  • Your destiny is to become a doctor, veterinarian, or a nurse. Whichever you prefer. It will take you at least ten years of school and excellent grades to be accepted into training. It will be a lot of hard work for you, but it will be well worth it. You'll save many lives, animals or humans, which is the most honorable job possible.

  • Your destiny is to be a traveler. You'll acquire a large sum of cash when you reach a certain age, and spend it driving, sailing, and flying all over the world. You'll visit every continent and almost all the islands, and become fluent in twelve languages, and proficient in eight. You'll visit all the wonders of the world, and meet many cultures and interesting people. Sometimes you will have bad luck and run out of gas in the middle of nowhere, or take the wrong stop. But you have a great time anyways, because your doing what you love to do


  • I got animal rescuer, then doctor. Both options for why I really want to be when I grow up! :)

  • We need to protect animals everywhere. Every 60 seconds an animal is abused, abandoned, or neglected. We need to put a stop to it. Animals are just like us with different DNA. They are no different than us. They too have feelings. Try to find ways you or you and your friends can stop animal cruelty. If you are reading this, please send this to as many quizzes as possible. Thank You.

  • Awesome! I got animal rescuer! I formed my own club that has vowed to protect animals everywhere! My motto is,"Animal Cruelty should become extinct, not the animals experiencing it." Why else would my name be PawPrint101?

  • Great quiz! I got animal rescue! I'm vegetarian and LOVE animals!

  • Your Result: Animal Rescuer

    Your destiny is to open up a small animal rescue. You'll spend your life saving dogs, cats, horses, and other species from neglect and abuse. At first you won't have a lot of money, but an anonymous donation of 10 thousand dollars will pay for everything. You'll become very successful. Police will call you first when they have an animal abuse case. Your greatest achievement will be finding and exposing a large dog fighting community, and saving thousands of dog's lives.

    Awesome quiz, an I absolutely love animals :D. Great quiz :).


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