PawPrint101's Profile

Joined on Jun 22, 2013
Status Level: Novice
PawPrint101's Quizzes
- What Drake and Josh character are you? By PawPrint101[published: Sep 10, 2013, 5 comments]
Drake and Josh was a nickelodeon series about two step brothers and their……
- Are you a mermaid? By PawPrint101[published: Aug 28, 2013, 2 comments]
Mermaids have captured the minds of the public and the imaginations of children for centuries.……
- Would You Rather? By PawPrint101[published: Jul 19, 2013, 2 comments]
This is a personality quiz based on Would You Rather? questions Its a cool, fun, random, and……
- The Sorting Hat. By PawPrint101[published: Jul 19, 2013, 8 comments]
There's nothing hidden in your head the Sorting Hat can't see. So take this quiz and I will tell……
- What Star Wars good guy are you? By PawPrint101[published: Jul 18, 2013, 1 comment]
Have you ever wanted to know what Star Wars good guy you are? Or at least be……
- Do you REALLY love Star Wars? By PawPrint101[published: Jul 09, 2013, 3 comments]
Lots of people say they love Star Wars. But do they REALLY?! Do YOU?! How much on a……
- What pet is right for you? by PawPrint101[published: Jun 23, 2013]
What pet fits your personality? This is a good to take if you're thinking of getting a……
- How much do u know about Harry Potter? by PawPrint101[published: Jun 22, 2013, 2 comments]
There are so many Harry Potter fans out there. But do you REALLY know……
PawPrint101's Recent Posts
"Hi wolf heart! I just wanna say I LUV ur quizzes! They're so funny and fun to take. Don't stop making quizzes. ..."
"Hi guys! Take my newset quiz called Would You Rather? By PawPrint101"
PawPrint101's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yes! Jedi! I am totally! I feel the Force now! -Levitates Computer- LOL"
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"I got water! Nice quiz! Water is so me yet my zodiac element is fire . . .
Hmmm. Gotta figure this out. . ."
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"Bloody hell is right!"
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"Reply to: InLoveandStuff
I TOTALLY agree! Harry Potter is 100,000,000,000,00, 000,000,000 times better! I started reading Twilight…"
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"sorry but I hate this! I mean popular? slytherin? soooooooooooooo not me!"
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"Cool! I got Drake! He's my fave Drake and Josh character. I really miss this show! :*)"
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"I got luke this time! awesome. this makes more sense then when I got mace windu! nice quiz!"
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"I AM NOT TOBY! Sorry I don't like this quiz."
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"This was boring. Sorry"
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"Cho? So not me! I'm either Luna or Hermione!"