What minecraft mob are you?

There are people who want to be a mob. This test will tell you WHAT mob in minecraft you are like... so.. why not just take a few minutes... and Test!!

Are YOU A GOOD MOB IN MINECRAFT? or a nasty creeper? Maybe something a little nicer... well... do yourself a favor and try out this quiz! You'll know in a few mins!

Created by: Popgirl8
  1. When you see your crush talking to someone of the same gender as you, what do you do?
  2. Where would you go when you spawn?
  3. Would you help your friend?
  4. You enter your room and you see a pig. Now what?
  5. Are you patient?
  6. Which subject are you best at in school?
  7. Which drink looks the most appealing?
  8. Are you crazy?
  9. If you're sick.. what do you choose?
  10. Do you like life?

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Quiz topic: What minecraft mob am I?