What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
Same here, wolvesrule65318 !! :)
My result was ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) by 88%
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) by 73%
Paranoia by 68%
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) by 45%
and Manic Depressive by 28% -
Hi,everyone!I just finished my new quiz,"Could you be my friend?"!
It will tell you if we would be besties,just friends,frenemies or just plain
enemies!Chec k it out!By the way,my name is Alexa Dallas.
I self diagnosed myself with: ADHD, early onset OCD, GAD, and paranoia, Munchausen syndrome, depression, and bipolar disorder
I also think I may be a Hypochondriac
I posted a comment similiar to Meganium on the How Will I Die quiz commentary section about these bull chain letters. And I think that anyone who truly hates these crap chain letters should start a campaign with me! Are you in Meganium? Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paranoia...I don't have that, somwhat! I have mild ADD, as so perscribed by the doctors, as well as a mild case of insanity. And second comin in for Manic Depressive? I highly doubt that.
I'm WAY too happy, idiots.
ottawa1 -
In all technicalities I have CDOx not OCD. CDOx is basically the same thing except not only is there an even number of letters but they're also all in the right order.
So suck on that cheese wheelfrom Wisconsin.
FERDI_x1 -
I have Paranoia. My brother (who is know studying at a Univercity) took it and chose all the answers that I KNOW are normal, and he ended up with ADD!!! SOOOOO not true... But the quiz was fun!
I made a great The Lord of The Rings quiz, but it needs more traffic. Please take it, rate it and comment.
Get is at www.gotoquiz.com/th e_lord_of_the_rings _general_quiz
Ruben1 -
mine was
Your Result: Manic DepressiveYou have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.
lol true
my main result was ADD i already knew i had that cause its genetic but i had no idea that i had other mental illnesses i went to my doctor and he agreed that i have them. so my friends were right i am a walking mess
izzy13v1 -
ADD. Hmm. Yea, that would describe me. I don't think I actually have it- but sometimes I don't pay attention to stuff- but not to the point where it's a problem.
I took this twice and got the same result as the first, this is actually pretty accurate, also, paranoia SUCKS, it's kinda scary
I’m clinically diagnosed with Aspergers, ADHD, schizophrenia, and PTSD. I used to have generalized anxiety disorder and OCD. I got paranoia as my mental illness.
Oneonta1 -
This quiz may be offensive to anybody of whom DOES have a disorder... I got OCD or something like that bit i don't have a mental disorder!
Lol8Lol1 -
It's kinda funny, because the one I actually have has the lowest percentage and one of the highest is one I definitely don't have.
The quiz said I have GAD, same thing my mother has. Oh, well. Anyways, very good quiz, it seems like you've researched well before making it. Great job! :)
beckytan1 -
you know your screwed when its all true cause when i think back i do kinda obsess i redo EVERYTHING very frequently
like for instance i brush my teeth atleast 5 times in the morning and if i dont i get HIGHLY UPSET
and i have to do EVERYTHING IN MY ORDER
somedays i feel like EVERYTHING i see is contaminated it hurts.....
theres so much more i just want some1 to see me go throughout the day then youll understand
OCD... ? I guess I might obbsess over som things but doesn't everybody? My room is freakishly clean though and my mom says I have a tad case of OCD. Oh and P-L-E-A-S-E stop with the chain things, SO annoying!!!! And they don't work (haha)
evrytime i take these tests it always says i have Manic/Depressive Disorder and ADHD. And those were my top two choices.So i will say this quiz is pretty darn accurate
Hello,Lily!I will help you get all of these people!
I'm feeling EVIL!!!!!!These people gotta forward
fast or we're gonna murder them!!!!!!
I love to MURDER!!!!!!
And guess what?I'm dead,too!
Somebody pushed me into fire and now Iwant REVENGE!!!!!!I can't believe these people fell
for my little joke!That I'm an 11 year old girl
with OCD and tons of weird habits!Priceless!
I'm 16 and my name is Mary!
i have add i am not surprised seing as though i was diagnosed with it but i was pretty sure i would also have paranoya because i always think thier is a sycopath neer me no joke!!!! i get scared to do simple stuff and i always turn around seriosly i have turned around atleast 8 times writting this comment!!!!
You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.
WTF is up with all the crap comment posts? You people need something better to do with your time than perpetuate this garbage.
levona1 -
Maniac Depressive, so what? I doubt there's even a result where you don't have an issue, so majority of this is probably bull, meh, like I care...
Roanark1 -
ya i already new i had obsessive compulsive disorder but my parents and brother don't believe me when i touch something with one hand maybe like 6 times then i have to touch it again with the other hand 6 times and sometimes if i cant so people dont think im crazy i cry
it says im manic depressive, i do believe where it says i can be happy one week but that next im depressed, that is sort of true buts its more like i can be happy for a couple hours and then become very depressed.