Are You a Vampire or a Werewolf?

Are you a werewolf or a vampire? Two power full creature that usually hate each others. Do you want to know if you will be one of them which is better to you? Find out this and more in a 12 question quiz.

There are many many quiz about are you a vampire or not and there are many about are you a werewolf or not but if you can be one of them which one is better to your personality? Find out this and more in a 12 question quiz.

Created by: Bahar
  1. Do you like cold or warm?
  2. Where do you want to live?
  3. What is your favorite toys?
  4. Do you like to be a werewolf or a vampire?
  5. Which do you emphasize more?
  6. What is your personality?
  7. What is your opinion about humans?
  8. If you can help a vampire/werewolf or a human, which one do you help?
  9. What is your favorite job?
  10. What is your favorite activity?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Vampire or a Werewolf?