What Kind Of Wrestler Would You Be?

Find out what kind of wrestler you would be. Do you enjoy wrestling? Are you any good?

Are you a champion? Take the quiz to find out how much of a hard core wrestler you really are.

Created by: brady

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You find out you have 7 matches and you ...
  2. You can't come to a match because are sick so you...
  3. You lose a match and you...
  4. You get injured during the season so you...
  5. You realize you missed a weigh-in so you...
  6. You win a tournament so you...
  7. You lose a tournament in the first round so you...
  8. You lose your wrestling shoes so you...
  9. They forget your name on a tournament shirt so you..
  10. You would stay with the wrestling program if...

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