What designer are you?

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Hi. Looks like you want to look at this quiz! Just to let you know it’s really fun and if you didn’t get the answer you wanted don’t be sad everyone’s different!

I have to let you know that you have some pretty good questions so be honest don’t be embaressed! I hope you have fun. See you at the end! Bye!!! P.s for now!

Created by: Claire
  1. Do you like sweets?
  2. How long does it take you to pick out clothes for school/work?
  3. Do you lick the spoon?
  4. Hi
  5. Food
  6. Pick a number
  7. I’m running out of questions!
  8. Comment down below!
  9. Will u like? ( does not effect results!)
  10. Just kidding it did

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Quiz topic: What designer am I?

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