What American accent do you have? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?

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  • I am from Maryland, North of Baltimore. I never thought I had any accent either. Was born and raised here.

  • This quiz said I was from Philadelphia or near there. Is San Francisco near Philadelphia? I didn't think so.

  • well first of all am from nigeria and i study here in pakistan( quite strange )!!! am doing a per time job in a call center situated in pakistan and people find it difficult to understandmy accent am going crazy about this as i might loosemy job soon so sad ( help !!!).

  • Does this quiz or its creator realize that there's a significant part of America west of "The Midland"?

  • Actually even though Annie is from America I'm English so I have an English accent and I'm only 11.

  • Love the way people keep saying they didn't think they had an accent, everyone has an accent you know. XD

  • Nooooooo! Curse it all! I was hoping and praying I wouldn't get the freaking stereotypical minnesota fargo accent and guess what. =___= Not all us minnesotans sound that way ya know? D:

  • Please take my quizzes! "Which Pretty Little Liar are you?", "How well do you know the House of Night?" and "Would you survive the end of the world?" Thx, and don't forget to rate high!

  • I have a western accent but im from the south and often times when i talk i sound like dem folks on movies dat take palce in new orleans, which is where i live, DA GREATEST SOUTHERN CITY DAT DERE IS!!!

  • I am smelly. Once you read this you cannot get a girlfriend. Finish reading this until it is done! As I said, I am stinky. I am 13 years old and have no life and ranch all over my face. I am stupid. If you don't post this in 12 quizzes, I will come to ur house at midnight and hide under ur bed. When ur asleep I'll smell you. Don't believe me? Case 1: Patty Buckles got this email. She doesn't believe in chain letters. Well, foolish Patty. She was sleeping when her TV started flickering on and off. Now she reeks! Haha Patty, haha. You don't wanna be like Patty, do you? Case 2: George M Simon hates chain mail, but he didn't wanna fart that night. He put it in 4 quizzes. Not good enough George. Now George is in a ketchup bath we don't know if he'll ever get over the stench. Haha George haha! Now, you don't wanna be like George do you? Case 3: Valarie Tyler got this letter. Another chain letter she thought. She only put this in 7 quizzes. Well, that night when she was having a shower she saw stinky and gross me! HAHA SUCKERS! LMFAO!XD

  • I am smelly. Once you read this you cannot get a girlfriend. Finish reading this until it is done! As I said, I am stinky. I am 13 years old and have no life and ranch all over my face. I am stupid. If you don't post this in 12 quizzes, I will come to ur house at midnight and hide under ur bed. When ur asleep I'll smell you. Don't believe me? Case 1: Patty Buckles got this email. She doesn't believe in chain letters. Well, foolish Patty. She was sleeping when her TV started flickering on and off. Now she reeks! Haha Patty, haha. You don't wanna be like Patty, do you? Case 2: George M Simon hates chain mail, but he didn't wanna fart that night. He put it in 4 quizzes. Not good enough George. Now George is in a ketchup bath we don't know if he'll ever get over the stench. Haha George haha! Now, you don't wanna be like George do you? Case 3: Valarie Tyler got this letter. Another chain letter she thought. She only put this in 7 quizzes. Well, that night when she was having a shower she saw stinky and gross me.

  • I'm North Central?!! I grew up in Maine, Moved to Mass. Lived in Jersey and now in North Georgia-----you still think I have an accent?! Y'all may be right!

  • I left Chicago 64 years ago for California but I guess I still have the Northern Midwest accent

  • I grew up in the Plymouth, MA. area. But have been living for over 40 years in Germany. So the results are really accurately weird.

  • I got the western accent..lol well considering that my family is from the south..i can see why but i am from Ohio...Sidney ohio and you dont hear a lot of people with accents here. lol

  • My accent is from The inland, what does that mean accactly? I'm from Norway, just wanted to test for fun. Always liked america, so I've been trying to learn american accent.

  • It got mine right, I'm from Wisconsin.

    I actually didn't know until recently that we had an accent.

  • I am very interested in losing my new york accent.I have been working on it{but I still have some work to do. some say I have lost my accent but I know better.

    frederick hand
  • Born and raised in San Francisco. Educated by Irish catholic nuns.... And I got Inland North ... Crazy

  • I got Inland North, and I'm from New York. I don't get asked if I'm from Wisconsin, but people actually say I have a New York accent.

    lol I don't get it

  • midland accent...? a little odd for a born and bred hispanic texan? haha and to the person at the top, that's ridiculous, it's soda. pop is what you do with a cap into someone's a**.

  • It said my accent was The West but The Midlands looked to be a very close second. I've been in northeast Ohio all my life.

  • Funny, it says I have a Midland accent, but I'm from Florida. It's a very city part of Florida though... anyway, good quiz!

  • Uh..doh. For the Brits posting...of COURSE it's going to score you as having a North-Eastern American accent. Think about it. No, I mean really...come on, I know you can.

    Good grief.

  • I'm Canadian and I got north Central as in Minnesota and it said I might be mistake for Canadian!!! Creepy...


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