Weight gain inflation for girls

In here you will be going through stuff that will ether fatten you up until you can’t move or just give you a chubby belly! Have fun gaining weight!!!

The rules will be in the first question so read it and be careful not to eat too much or eat less much, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t know what else to put here

Created by: Ironhowler
  1. Here are the rules: you start with weight points like 10 or 15, 50 means immobile and there will be times where you have to eat huge items that have lots of points ok and you can’t go back on a answer and if you reach zero points you lose
  2. You wake up (starting with 10 points) and go downstairs to get breakfast but there is only 4 bags of chips there, will you eat them for breakfast? (Each bag is 4 points)
  3. You go to school and after some class it’s lunch and you have three choices to eat something from your lunch box
  4. After school you go back home but spot this stand and go to it, it’s selling hot dogs and it says if anyone can eat ten hotdogs then you will get 20 dollars
  5. Whatever you chose you went back home and you laidback on your bed getting ready for bed but then thought if you should go get a snack before bed, there is one bag of chips left
  6. You wake up to not be in your bed but in a warehouse we’re there is this hose that fills you up with ice cream (10 points) the next one is going to fill you with 20 points of weight but you can bargain your way out of this if you have MONEY
  7. After that you go home and tell your parents what happened to you and you get a day off school, you watch some tv but then you think about having a snack, you go to the kitchen and spot (yet again) a bag of chips
  8. It’s now the next day and at school there is this cake eating contest, the winner gets 100 dollars!
  9. After school you get lured into a alleyway and you get kidnapped, you wake up in the same place where you got taken last time! You will now be force fed cake
  10. They let you go cuz ether you gave the money or they thought that you had no more money, after that you went home and your parents called the police on them and they were arrested!
  11. You see a bag of chips at home and what do you want to do eat or don’t eat?

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