Helium inflation

One day you wake up somewhere and start to inflate! You have many choices and there is someone that can inflate with you too! Also I dont know what else to put here

HAVE FUN! Also jdnejdnejdndndndnejdjdnndndndndndnJsnejdnxjenuxnejdndjxnjdnxuenxuenxjenxunduxndudndjdndjnddnejdndnndchgviuyvkuyvouyvukyviucyiytcyitciyg

Created by: IronHowler
  1. You Wake Up Sitting In a Room Were there is this pump sitting in front of you, the pumps hose goes straight into your mouth, how do you react?
  2. The pump starts pumping and air slowly starts to pump into you, little by little your belly starts to get bigger and bigger with air, how do you feel?
  3. After some pumps of air you feel really full, the hose goes out of your mouth and you have some time to look at your huge belly, what do you say?
  4. You have some time left before the hose comes back to fill you with air again, what do you do?
  5. The hose comes back and pumps you with air again, your belly gets bigger and bigger each pump until your butt starts to inflate too, what do you think of this?
  6. You get pumped up with air so much that your whole body starts to inflate into a more round and balloon shape, your arms and legs get sucked into your body, what do you think?
  7. You are now a huge balloon! A girl comes in and asks you what you want to do now? You say...
  8. For the relax answer: you relax and fall sleep while the girl sleeps on your huge balloon body
  9. For the deflate answer: you deflate and run back home
  10. For the roll answer or the bounce answer: you get rolled and bounced around, she says “are you having fun?” You say..
  11. For the inflate more answer: she gets the pump and starts pumping you more and more, she then says “wow! You must be so full! I better not pump anymore or you could burst! And I don’t want to lose such a cute balloon” you say...
  12. After that she starts to poke and rub your giant belly, she says “wow your pretty huge! Does this hurt?” She pokes you, you say...
  13. She then asks you if you like being a balloon, you say...
  14. You now want something interesting to happen, what do you ask her to do
  15. For the rub answer: she climbs on your huge belly and rubs it, it feels really relaxing and soothing, you feel much better
  16. For the roll answer: you get rolled onto a field and you start to roll down a hill
  17. For the deflate answer: she deflates you and she goes and puts the hose in her mouth, you start to pump slowly at first but then pick up speed, you first stop at a few pumps and she looks like she ate a entire cake! You poke her belly a few times and she says...
  18. You go back to pumping and her belly starts to get really big! She falls over onto her belly and can’t get up! What do you do?
  19. No matter what you chose she says to let here lay on her belly, you go back to pumping and she slowly grows and grows, she smiles at you showing you that she likes being inflated, you...
  20. You start to see that she has to be getting full so you stop and say that that’s enough pumping for now, you rub her huge belly to stop any pain that she has from being full go away, she blush’s and says thank you! You ask her what SHE wants to do now, she says...
  21. What ever you chose she comes down and puts her lips on yours, suddenly air starts going into you and she starts to deflate a bit and you start to inflate a bit, what is your reaction?
  22. You both now can’t move and are laying on your bellys looking at each other, you then say...
  23. She says “better get comfy if we’re stuck here! Also I love it when your all puffed up like that you know? “Being inflated and relaxing while you can’t move?” You say....
  24. Your shirt opens up a bit and reveals your belly a bit, the girl looks and says “ uh oh your shirt is opening a bit” you blush so much that your whole face is bright red and you say
  25. She then looks away but then gets a idea, “hay what if I inflate you with the air I have then I would be free” you say...
  26. She puts her lips on yours then you start to inflate until the girl is normal again, she says “I’m back to normal now! And- gasp! Woah! Your huge! Your so cute like that my balloon boy/girl!” You say...

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