Warrior Cat Life #1 | Comments

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  • Flamekit,very great hunter and warrior and can get mean at times when provoked. Very playful and energetic. Seems like me basically bit I think if be a better medicine cat or queen then a hunter and warrior sense I hate fighting unless needed. Pawsome quiz mate.

  • Skykit

    You are thoughtful and kind. You hate noise, but you are not grumpy. You care about other cats. You are an average fighter and hunter. Your eye color is either blue or green. Pick one.

    Cool, this is alot of fun! I made one similar to this, its called

    Harsh life of warrior cats, can you survive
    please try it

  • Your Result: Bluekit

    You are kind and eager, but you rarely think ahead. You love running and exercise. You are usually happy, but strike a sore nerve... Anyway you are a poor hunter, but a good fighter. Your eyes are either blue or amber.


  • Your Result: Bluekit

    You are kind and eager, but you rarely think ahead. You love running and exercise. You are usually happy, but strike a sore nerve... Anyway you are a poor hunter, but a good fighter. Your eyes are either blue or amber.

    I like this a lot! And I don't mind either blue or amber!

    Flip Flops
  • Cool.I liked it! I tried yours will you try mine? its called when winter comes

  • i liked this quiz!


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