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  • when people bully me or are mean to me I just smile and say thank you. then I walk away. I forgive everybody and everything. I love everybody and everything. I give thousands of chances to people. I am nice caring and supportive. empathetic selfless, loving and giving. it makes me happy. I help and forgive the worst to best person. even if their completely mean evil and a total jerk. I respect others. I don't litter. I love both natures humans animals demons angles gods and know everybody has a reason for the thing they do. that everybody has suffered. and that if you show them love you don't just change THEM. you change YOU, and the WORLD. every little thing counts. your looks don't matter. your flaws are your strengths turned up. like when a radio is turned up loud your flaws are like that radio. personality is what matters not looks. everybody has good in them even when it seems impossible. I have learned to love with UNIVERSAL LOVE. don't go looking for love it will break your heart. don't go looking for love and you will find the best love.

  • I go through life with one large main goal (try to find one if you don't have one, my friend). I find it really helpful; I try my best at everything I do just so that I can get to that point. Some people ask me "Well what will you do when you're there? Is that it?" And no. It isn't it. I'll be happy for my accomplishments and live life to its fullest. After all, we've only got one life to live, and it goes by faster than you can imagine. I always make myself feel better by helping others (yes, it does work). Also, forgive, no matter what the circumstances. We're only human, and that's all we'll ever be. Do the things you find most joy in. Spend time with people that make you laugh. Smile at people that are having a bad day, and open doors for those with troubles. If we would just help each other, our lives would be better ten fold! It makes me feel bad for those who sit and mope, because there's always something better they could be doing: helping someone. Smiling. Laughing. Life isn't over.

  • Thing is, in Life the secret changes to each person. Everyone is different, have different expectancies out of Life, different people that surround them etc. My own sort of 'secret' in life is to just enjoy every bit of it while it lasts. As a very spiritualistic person myself, I believe we don't only have one life, but come back to life as someone else, but after death you will never return as the same person you were. While in this body, I think we should make love last, encourage peace, and just be plain happy. Hope it helped guys! ~Luna

    Loony Luna
  • Well, I'm not very old, but I HAVE had my share of problems, so...

    My secret to life? Whatever happens, happens. If something bad comes about, it did. So there's no reason to be mad or sad about it, because that won't change the situation at all. The only way to do that is to acually attempt to change what's going on in the present.

    Which brings me to number two; Being a doormat is not fun, nor is particularly helpful. But if you're just that type of person... at least grow spikes! XD

    The Popolisk
  • Just LIVE. And don't forget, you are beautiful, and so is everyone else, so don't tell anyone they aren't and don't listen to those who say you aren't. Be yourself, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. Frequently look back at the good times, but remember to let these times help you move forward. Don't be jealous, or ever degrade yourself or wish you were someone else. Understand, that no one is perfect, but everyone is perfect. See through the eyes of your heart. This is the secret to life, LIVE.

  • I agree with what bobert and the quote from Kiss.

    Here's my own quote, Without dreams there is no future. Without nightmares there are no dreams. Without Hope there is no faith, and without fantasies or imaginations,we wouldn't even be here. I think thats how it goes. I'm not sure cause even though I wrote that myself, somebody stole my freaking note !!!that's were i keep all my stories poems and my awesome anime pics that i drew myself!!!!

    Crimson Otaku
  • My advice on life, have as much fun as you possibly can before you die, because you never know when it will happen. Very recently, I almost got into a car accident that otherwise probably would have killed me, and I had NO idea it was coming. I'm just happy to be alive and I also feel very lucky. It helps to list reasons why you are lucky, because no matter how bad you think you have it, there is someone else out there who has it worse than you.

  • Dear bullies,

    See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he committed his friend out if suicide.

    See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.

    See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his famly is too poor.

    Re-Post this if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't.

    My secret to life, is to live every day like it's your last. Respect those you love, be kind to your peers.

  • I just wanna say that my life is not as easy as you may think. I know the pain of being mentally tortured. Its surprising that i have not given up yet. The reason why im still here is because of Him, and also a very special person that has always been a part of my life even tho i didnt know it. I dont have ANYONE, i cant trust anyone except for god. That special person is an anrtist, i have never met him but somehow i know he knows how i feel. He has been there.

    My hope is that God has a plan for everyone, even for me. Everything happens for a reason, im grateful for everything God has given me, even the pain cuz thats what makes you learn about life.

  • Dear bullies,

    See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he committed his friend out if suicide.

    See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.

    See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his famly is too poor.

    Re-Post this if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't.

    My secret to life, is to live every day like it's your last. Respect those you love, be kind to your peers.

  • there is only one secrt to a truely happy life. It is the simplest thing and with it you will live life to the fullest. You have to believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God and that he died an horrifying death on a cross because He loves you and He wants a relationship with you. If you would like to make even a mean comment about this email me at [no emails]. Please email me!

  • I noticed that my friends think that im so talented and that they cant do anything. But thats not true! I believe that everyone has a talent and they need to stop wishing they had someones talent and go find their own! Everyone has at least one talent and they need to figure it out. Everyone is different so not everyone is going to have the same exact talent.

  • Dear bullies,

    See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he committed his friend out if suicide.

    See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.

    See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his famly is too poor.

    Re-Post this if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't.

    art and music
  • Dear bullies,

    See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he committed his friend out if suicide.

    See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.

    See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his famly is too poor.

    Re-Post this if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't.

  • In life, the thing to do is to try your hardest all the time, but dont forget to have fun. Avoid the people you dont like without starting a big fight. It is not necessary. Also instead of feeling depressed and not caring to make yourself happier, think of things that make you grateful! I know this sounds cheesy but its the best advice to take in life.

    My guess if your reading this you are depressed in life. Try going on youtube right now and play some of your favorite songs (make sure they r happy songs). Since your still reading this it means you really are depressed. Even though you dont feel happy try putting a smile on your face. SERIOUSLY! smilling is scienticicly able to make you happier. Another thing you can do is talk to a friend about it :) Even if it ever feels like you are not loved, just look to the future.

    REMEMBER: to get love and attenshion, give it!

  • okay, my secrets is...

    well, I would do what ever I want to do, and also make a difference in the world. L think I'm here, in the world for a PURPOSE. So, I really want to help people in need and change the world. I think that is why everyone is created, for some type of purpose. Well, at least what I think.

    And also,I would also go anywhere I want and have fun because if your going to spent your life being bored, what's the point? You can have fun and you'll be happy and that's how you spent your whole life time. that would be cool... Also I really wanted to become a singer and a model (Everyone in my college school said I should be a model) ;)

    Yumi is cool
  • Here's my advice:

    No matter how bad you think your life is, there's always someone in this world who's fighting to survive. You won't die just because you don't have the coolest clothes/haircut/cel lphone/whatever.

    Focus on improving your personality rather than your looks or whatever, because you could be the best-looking person in the room and still not have the skills you need to get along with people, which is the most important thing in life.

    If you're going to judge someone, you might as well judge everyone, because everyone has flaws and everyone is different.

    And last but not least, FOLLOW YOUR PASSION. Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, money is really unecessary when you die.

    That's all.

    elle bee
  • I have another bit of advise for you guys. Don't try to be someone you're not. Be YOURSELF. That's the best thing you can be. I used to consider my stereotype as a mix of "emo" and "freak" because that what most people called me. Eventually I realized that I'm neither. I'm ME. Nothing else. And I enjoy being me. You should be youself and enjoy being you. :)

  • the truth is... no one can even comprehend the secret to life.... and i'm ok with that because if we did there would be no point in living... we would have all the answers so instead of gaining our full potential at the right time, it would just be drilled into us at an early age and taken for granted like everything else learned in schools today. so im gonna go with what everyone else is saying: Live life to its fullest and never forget that life itself is one of the greatest gifts that you have ever been given. ...im assuming you are alive here... :/

  • Well... I'm kind of a loner and usually am plotting instead of affecting my life much, but I'll give tips I picked up on while observing. First off, I know this has been posted a lot, but be yourself. Don't care what others think. They're only trying to get a reaction out of you. Next, try to keep a positive attitude on everything but still be well prepared. Thirdly, amuse the grammar nazies (sp?) online (like me) and type properly. Finally, have friends. They'll keep you up and you won't be nearly as afraid/bothered by crowds. Learn from my mistake. Please. Friends really would help you.

    teilwaL L
  • Well life has many diffrent things. It is a very stort time here. But I think the human race is a messed up thing. So many problems...I believe that some people should get rid o the ones who causethe most problems. Also, call me crazy, but I do believe in aliens. I mean there are so many stars around and most likely there is planets with other creatures on them!

  • Please comment: it's worth it. SO worth it, that I'm gonna post my tip:

    -Change your way of thinking. Put a positive spin on everything you can, since the fact of the matter is, your thinking can change everything. Your perspective, you happiness, your life.


  • As Zartosht(God of goodness of Persia) said: Life is understanding this sentense, sometimes you get less sometimes you get a lot.

    I think life is not just joy because it's really stupid to accept living would be over by death and for sure there are so many things after death.

  • What I have learnt so far (in 14 years):
    Live life to the fullest.

    Be as weird as you want- be yourself. People who try to make you who you aren't are idiots.

    There will ALWAYS be someone who loves you for who you are.

    Have fun. Never give a damn what other people say.

    I've always been considered a nerd (from the moment I brought a book into school- when I was 6-ish)and weird. Do what I do, and make friends who are as weird and insane as you are.

    Be random, being random is fun.
    See? =)

  • Dear bullies,

    See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he committed his friend out if suicide.

    See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.

    See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his famly is too poor.

    Re-Post this if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't. I posted will you. You know it's the right thing to do and if you believe and don't post your just plain crasy. Oh, I agree Crimson Otaku and that's a Catastrophe that someone stole your notebook I would be one to be reacken with, cuz i be pissed; I have similer hobbies and love my anime pics. P.S If we could me and my epic group of friends would help interogate people for ya; we're just that nice and that mean......


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