US History I, i.

The History of America may not seem as important in this modern period of time; however, it is very note-worthy to be known of these events that happened throughout the country. This quiz goes through the basics and a little bit of the modern era.

So, are YOU an American whiz? Are you known of these such events? Do you have what it takes to answer correctly about these questions? If so, feel free to venture into this quiz and find out what lies beneath!

Created by: jxsh
  1. The United States of America was created when....?
  2. The first 'Founding Father' is known as whom?....
  3. One of the numerous men who were involved in the draft of the Declaration of Independence is which?....
  4. Whom of these presidents died of an assassination?....
  5. Slavery officially ended in which year?....
  6. In which event was the state, Louisiana, acquired? And to which president bought it?....
  7. List the U.S. Presidents in order.
  8. By which years of terms are of the President?....
  9. Of which of these presidents served the longest in modern history?....
  10. World War II was a major event through which years?....
  11. The most recent president, as of 2020-president, is whom?....
  12. The youngest President in American History is whom? (following an assassination). . .
  13. The U.S.'s national emblem is known as which of these items?....
  14. The national anthem of the United States is known as....

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