HSC Modern History: The Weimar Republic

Modern History is an exciting subject! However, it can get pretty full on and students, such as myself, can often feel that there is a exceptional amount of information, sometimes way too much that can be retained! However, by reinforcing certain aspects of the course via methods such as quizzes, it can really help you a lot!

In Modern History one of the courses that can be studied is Germany. The course picks up on the situation in Germany post World War 1, the first topic being based on "The Weimar Republic." So, before doing this quiz I would recommend studying all the information you have on this topic. Once you feel that you have a good enough understanding of it, go for the quiz!

Created by: Anusha Menon
  1. Prior to World War 1, who could elect members of the Reichstag, (Lower House)?
  2. Who became Chancellor on the 2nd of October 1918?
  3. The Kiel mutiny occurred on the 3rd of November. What happened?
  4. Which of the following is NOT a peace resolution that was passed by the Workers and Soldiers Councils when they met from the 16th to the 20th of December?
  5. When did the Spartakist uprising occur?
  6. Who was the Government Defence Minister who used the Freikorps to smash the Spartakist uprising?
  7. True or False: Ebert would have preferred a constitutional monarchy
  8. Which of the following was NOT a term that the new Weimar constitution that was drawn up on the 19th of January 1919 provided for?
  9. When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
  10. Article 231 required that Germany had to take full responsibility for the war. This clause is also known as:
  11. What was the date of the Kapp Putsch?
  12. Who said "Reichswehr do not fire on Reichswehr?"
  13. Why did the Kapp Putsch fail?
  14. Germany was forced to pay reparations to the allies however the allies failed to pay the agreed amount of coal and timber. What happened as a result and what was the date of this significant event?
  15. What were the Dawes and Young Plan, what year were they drawn up and what was the purpose of them?
  16. Which of the following were NOT an underlying problem during the Stresemann Years?
  17. How did hyperinflation affect the German people?
  18. Was EVERYONE in Germany affected by hyperinflation negatively?
  19. Which of the following was NOT an aspect of the "Roaring Twenties?"
  20. "Black Thursday" occurred on the 24th of October 1929. What is this?
  21. Who undertook a deflationary economic program?
  22. Who were the four important conservative groups who opposed the democratic republic?

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