Truth or Dare? O.o | Comments

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  • Haha ya!!I'm with Mallorie right now she said her most embarrassin moment was when she tripped in front of daniel.Haha..

  • Oh, check out Love, Life, and Drama!!! Thanks!

  • Callie, is that u?

  • I loved the quiz. I don't have any embarrassing moments, but one time me and my friend Anna were walking down the hall and in her old crush was right behind her, and one of her pencils fell out of her binder and so when she went ot pick it up, she dropped all of her other pencils out of her binder. It was SO FUNNY and AWKWARD...cuz then one of my other friends stole her one of her pencils and he refused to give it back to her...

  • Good quiz!

    1Direction Girly
  • Okay, I picked Truth for all of them except the socks-in-your-mouth one, which I will do as soon as I have access to a pair of socks.

    Anyway, I have never kissed someone of the opposite sex in a romantic way, I have never prank-called someone, and I have never embarrassed myself in front of my boyfriend.

  • i loved this quiz

  • I say the strangest things in front of my crush, and i get a random accent 0_0

  • Cool quiz.

    My most embarrassing moment was when I was at a park and it was so cold so my mom gave us a cup of tea and my dad's elbow hit my cup and it felt on my jeans...Everybody thought I peed in my pants..X_X

  • Hmmm... I think my embarrassing moment would be... Uhm... Ooohhhh

    It was the time we won the science spelling bee as second place because of ,e then i jumped up and down on the stage and everybody saw me! When i was goin back to my seat... ( still jumping ) on the stage... My teamate... She pulled my arm down and really hurts but i was still laughing. Everybody thought i fell from my seat! And nobody knew what actually happened! I found all those things embarassing but i love the way i Felt that time. I mean... I won other awards because of these things...but this was so unexpected.

  • Most embarrassing moment...When my crush of two yrs, my bestfriend.> Good quiz, a little weird, but good XD thanx for posting it! ^^

  • I was zipping up my fly in front of my crush at a gas station. :P

  • lol ok my moment was when i was with my boyfriend tyler and we were swimming and i fell out of the pool and my pants came down a little

  • Mine would probably be when me and my cousins were hanging out and my crush was walking by. He said hey and when we were about to leave my cousins all yelled out "_________LOVES YOU!!!!!"i felt like i was about to kill them!!! So annoying >_>

  • ok so i was walking down the stairs at school and i missed one and cracked my knee on the bottom step. I looked behind me to see who saw and i was looking right into my crushes face. His eyes were HUGE and im sure mine were too. He was like "are you ok?" I was like "im good." and walked away..

  • Ok, so i was walking town the steps at school, missed one, fell and CRACKED my knee on the bottom step. I look behind me to see who had seen it and i'm starring straight int my crushes face. His eyes were all wide and stuff lol. I was like "i'm good." got up and walked away...

  • I was also running on wet grass

  • I slid while carrying a soccer ball I. Front of my crush.(it was funny)

  • one time when i was meeting my ex i fell in a hole and then he laughed at me :( :( :(

  • My most embarrassing moment is when I was playing freeze tag with my friends, And some of us were playing around in my friend's truck, I slipped and ripped my pants. (the hole was near my rear)

  • I was saying bye to my friends as I got of my bus...I sliped down the stairs and hit the ground hard.My crush was RIGHT BEHIND ME!!! I turned around and started lauging. I was so emberessad that I dropped all my stuff. when he went to pick it up ( hes REALLY nice) I bumped his head causing him to fall.

  • as a kid i somehow ripped a small hole in my pants, and through my underwear too and didnt noticed until i got home after comeing back from the grocery store

  • Time I embarrassed myself infront of my crush: he was walking out of class and his friend walked behind me to put something away so he was walking towards the door and looking right past me and talking to him, and I answered since I kinda thought he was talking to me since it looked like it and he just said to me "oh I wasn't talking to you". I played it off by being like "well, I was talking to you" and so me and my friend right next to me were just talking for a minute or so afterwards just being like "I hate it when people do that. If you say something I don't care who you're talking to if I have a reply I'm going to say it". And yeah, that was pretty embarrassing to me.

    Btw, nice quiz

  • Great quiz! And by the way, my most embarrassing moment was when one time, not too long a go, I was in a chat room. The website I was on is going to shut down in December(which I was currently unaware of). The room had A LOT of people (the more people the more embarrassment). Someone was talking about valuing the time you have left or something like that. Since December 21th, "doomsday", was near, I thought that was what he was talking about. And then he said he wasn't talking about that, he told me the site was shutting down on the 10th. I looked REALLY stupid in front of all those other people. And to make me more embarrassed, I instantly typed: "WTF?! THE TENTH IS TOMORROW!! I NEED TO PARTY HARD!!" (That day was the 9th).

    Then he explained that it was on the tenth of November, and I got really embarrassed. HERP DERP. Thas my most embarrassing moment EVER. In my entire life. :[

    ~Neon's Word 101~ (Request Edition)

  • Great quiz! And by the way, my most embarrassing moment was when one time, not too long a go, I was in a chat room. The website I was on is going to shut down in December(which I was currently unaware of). The room had A LOT of people (the more people the more embarrassment). Someone was talking about valuing the time you have left or something like that. Since December 21th, "doomsday", was near, I thought that was what he was talking about. And then he said he wasn't talking about that, he told me the site was shutting down on the 10th. I looked REALLY stupid in front of all those other people. And to make me more embarrassed, I instantly typed: "WTF?! THE TENTH IS TOMORROW!! I NEED TO PARTY HARD!!" (That day was the 9th).

    Then he explained that it was on the tenth of November, and I got really embarrassed. HERP DERP. Thas my most embarrassing moment EVER. In my entire life. :[

    ~Neon's Word 101~ (Request Edition)


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