Time Less Love part 7

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Yay take the darned quiz already but read this first. I have a while off so I'll try and make more of these but I can't tell when they will out but don't worry I'm working on it n__n

1)Drake-the really cute goth/emo looking one. He's so shy which is sooo cute. Has grey eyes 2)Henry the brown haired hotty with dimples and the fraturnal twin of adam with brown eyes 3)Adam the sandy/dirty blond player with freckles has blue eyes 4)Ethan the tall muscular, quiet, strong, and the smart one with brown hair and eyes

Created by: Blackandwhite
  1. "Ok let's begin," Drake says turning to you. "We will try magical protection. I'll send you small bursts of magic and you try to deflect it. It should help bring out your own magic." He turns and walks a bit away and turns back to you. "Ready?" Drake calls. "Yes, you answer back and prepare yourself." Drake brings his right hand up and faces the palm of his hand toward you. His hand begins to glow green and then a burst of energy comes hurtling toward you. What do you do?
  2. You put up you hands and try to summon your so called magic. The energy ball comes closer and closer, fast but nothing happens. You begin to worry and soon the energy blast is to you and you still have no results. The energy blast knocks you over on your butt but not enough force to really hurt you. You land on your back and the energy ball disappears, and you continue to lay there. What are you thinking?
  3. Then you hear Drake calling your name, "_______?!_______!?!? are you ok?!?!?!" You hear him running toward you. You sit up and Drake kneels beside you. "Are you ok ______? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!! I didn't mean to hurt you , you're hurt right? I'm sorry..." he babbles on and on with apologizes, you look at him, what are you thinking?
  4. "I'm fine," you say and stand and brush yourself off. You turn to look at Drake and he's staring at you with wide bright eyes full of concern. His eyes and so wide and shiny they look like they belong to a seal and it's just so adorable. What do you do?
  5. He's still kneeling and you give him your hand and help him up. "Let's try again," you say with a smile, "Are you sure?" Drake asks sit looking at you. "Yah I'm fine I'm ok really," you say placing a hand on his arm and he suddenly tenses up, you pretend not to notice and keep smiling. He looks at you and smiles widely, "ok then, we'll try again." He walks away and turns to you again, "Ready?' he yells. You nod and this time get in a power stance so you won't be knocked over again. Drake lifts his hand again an it begins to glow yellow this time. "Try and bring the energy through you in the core of your chest," he calls before he shoots. Soon the energy ball is coming toward you. You put up you hand like Drake did and try to summon your energy. Soon you hand glows purple and the energy ball hits your hand and it disappears. Drake smiles to you, what are you thinking?
  6. Drake jogs over to you with a wide smile on his face. "That was amazing, _______," Let's try some more training. You guys continue to train until you both are out of breath, "Let's go in _______, I'm starving and that's more than enough training for today." Your stomach growls and you agree to go in. When you get in it's around 4-P.M. "Hey why don't you sit down and I'll make us all something," Drake says with a smile. "Sure!" you say brightly since you haven't had a boy offer to cook for you before, what would you like?
  7. Whatever you pick he goes in and makes. You sit at the table and wait. Soon Henry comes in and looks at you. You smile and wave and he just stands and stares. Your smile slowly disappears no matter how hard you try to keep smiling. He walks over to you and sits down facing you. "Can I ask you something?" he asks. What's your reaction?
  8. "Sure," you decide to say. He looks down and takes a deep breath as if to prepare himself for what's he's about to say. "Will you go on a date with me?" He blurts out. What are you thinking?
  9. You stare at him for a momment trying to decide what to say. It must have been a moment too long because he gets a sad look on his face and gets up to leave. "Yes," you say. He turns to you with wides eyes. "I'll go out with you," you say. He smiles, "Ok, then we can go tomorrow," he says giving you one last look when he gets to the door he hesitates like there's more he wantsa to say but then decides not to say and leaves with a smile on his face, the happiest you've seen him. What are you thinking?
  10. A few momments after Henry left Drake comes in with 2 plates in his hands with the food of your choosing on it. He sets one plate in front of you and moves to the seat across from you and you both eat. He gives you a cute smile and asks how the food is. It's great actually and that's what you tell him. Soon Ethan comes in followed by Adam, what are you thinking?
  11. Ethan and Adam stop for a moment to look at you both then the continue on to the kitchen throwing glances back at the both of you. After you finish eating you decide to go to bed because your beat. What are you thinking on your way to your room?
  12. You make it to your room and change into you PJ's and crawl into bed. Who do you dream about?
  13. As you dream the dream begins to fade into something else, until it's dark and it looks like you're under water. "_______,_________" you hear a voice calling you're name. "_________,listen to me!" What are you thinking?
  14. "________, listen carefully! Heed my warning,________, you are in danger! You may seem safe but you need to keep your guard up! Do you hear me,_______?! Never let your guard down, even around the others you may trust. Danger is around ever corner for you. Don't trust anyone or anything; you can't you mustn't! you need to..."
  15. You wake up with a start. You look around your room but nothing's wrong. Soon you eyes land on a raven just outside your window with purple eyes. What are you thinking?
  16. The raven looks at you and flies away you. I sit there for a moment then decide to go back to bed and wait for morning. AND THAT IS THE END n__n YAY!!

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