the Fallen part 5

So this is part 5 in my new 'The fallen series' and yes, to get some references you need to take parts 1-15 in 'The Chosen' to get but if you don't take them, no probs. So, if you wanna see wants gunna hapen as a little (vague) reference, read on!

Today.... You will get to know one of the boys a bit better, though all of their true colours show. You know more about your powers, and you know who to go to if you need help. But please, play on.

Created by: Dayna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The door opens, it's william. "____, what wrong?" He asks "Nothing." and suddenly your head hurts. "Nathan did that to Ryan over nothing?" He asks. "How did you...?" You begin. "Psychic."
  2. He sits next to you on your bed. "Dont worry he says, it'll be fine." He says, stroking your head and then...
  3. You hug him. He is suprised at this and hugs you back. "Will, you're the one guy in here I trust. You told me about the powers you had." You pull away, and kiss him. He just sits there. "____, do you want to get a drink?"
  4. You say no. And fall asleep as he leaves. When you get up, you have a shower, get dressed and go to eat. It's only you and Max up. You sit down and eat some toast. Then Ryan comes, followed by Nathan. They eat, and you all talk a bit. Nathan stays quiet, Ryan talks alot, and Max interupts when correcting you. The Will comes down wearing a scruffy t-shirt and shorts, his hair is a mess and he sits besides you and has breakfast.
  5. You get up, and go to the art gallery. You look at the picture you looked at with will before. Then Will walks in. He's still scruffy. "It's a nice painting, right?" He smiles. "Yeah, about last night, I don't know what came over me. It's just, I want to go home, and with Ryan and Nathan fighting, and Max blanking me, you're the..." You're silenced by Will kissing you. But the others are by the open door...
  6. Ryan marches in there and pulls Will away from you. "Get off me Ry!" Will yells. Nathan runs to you, thinking you're scared. "Are you okay _____?" He asks. "_____, don't play good guy with me Nathan!" You shout, then you turn to Ryan. "Get off of him!" And Ryan lets go. You walk out, pushing passed Max, you hadn't moved.
  7. You go to your roomn where you sit, angrily. Theres a knock at the door. "Come in!" You yell. To your suprise, it's Max. "____, Tell me what happened? Last night and earlier." He says. You sit on your bed.
  8. "Last night, Will came to check up on me. I told him that I think he's the only one who cares, you blank me, Ryan and nathan are always fighting, andhe's just...himself. So, as I was crying, we hugged, and I don't know why I did it, but I kissed him. So earlier, I was telling him I don't know why I did it, but then he kissed me." You explain. Max nods, not taking the fact he blanks you harshly.
  9. "I was wondering if you knew more of my powers." You ask him, "Well, yeah I do. I told Nathan about you, of course he took the credit; not that I care. You take your powers from you ancestors, in theory your powers should be almost the same as williams."
  10. "Why the same as Wills?" You ask. "You both descend from psychics. He is from the great psychic, Theresa and you are from Alaurena. They were the two greatest psychics, he is one of 'The Fallen' he's just like you."
  11. You run to find him. He's being yelled at by Nathan and Ryan. "You shouldn't have kissed her. You know that's not why she's here!" Ryan snarls, you hide by the door. "Yeah, you knew what you were to do with her!" Nathan sighed. "You got it all wrong. I love her, I don't care what you say about her. And she's no posession, so stop treating her like one!" He storms out and sees you...

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