Runescape Main God Alignment Quiz

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Runescape is under the influence of many gods. Now that the Edicts of Guthix are broken, gods have free reign over the land again. Each god has a different philosophy. Which do you identify with most?

This quiz will test you preferences, interests, and innate traits to match you with one of the main gods in Runescape. Subjects ranging from colors, to skills, to philosophies are mentioned.

Created by: Jason Wasserman

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of the following colors do you most prefer?
  2. What do you think of religion in Runescape in general?
  3. Which of the following skills do you like the most (Not in terms of leveling, but general idea)?
  4. Which of the following pets would you most want?
  5. In a large-scale battle, which combat role are you most likely practicing?
  6. Do you believe in ultimate peace and coexistence in Gielinor?
  7. In which of the following locations would you most like to live?
  8. What do you think of demons?
  9. Why do you fight?
  10. Which of the following culinary specialties of Runescape do you like most?

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