Random Science Facts Quiz!

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Hey, science lovers! Check out my website: r a n d o m s c i e n c e f a c t s . w e e b l y . c o m. (Minus the spaces. The thingy thought I was talking gibberish) I promise there's lot of fun and learning! ;) You can also find all the answers to this quiz there.

So, anyway, take this quiz! It's fun! Just when you thought you were great at science...this quiz might prove you wrong! O_O *evil laugh*. But that's okay ;) There's always room for learning and improvement! ;)

Created by: RSF creator
  1. Why are red blood cells round?
  2. "F = M x A" Which law is this?
  3. *Whose* law?
  4. How many different forms can water be found in?
  5. Water covers 80% of Earth's surface
  6. What does the petiole of a leave do?
  7. What substance in a leaf helps it conduct photosynthesis?
  8. Sphere-shaped bacteria are called...
  9. Animal cells are mostly made of....
  10. A plant cell has a cell wall, but the animal cell does not.
  11. Flies have a life span of....

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