quizzes about random

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i am so bored!! so i made this quiz!! c'mon you know you want to take this random quiz i toook forverrrrr to make it sooo please enjoy it while it lasts

random!!! random well uno random ! yeahh that is right i am random so haha beat that lol have a great and happy day!!! have a great life and always remember have a smile on your dial

Created by: bridget
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like dogs?
  2. Do you love guys/girls?
  3. Do you Love chocolate??
  4. Do you live in a ...
  5. who do you like better??
  6. what do you rate this quiz??
  7. are you bored?
  8. what name do you like out of...
  9. what type of school do you go to?
  10. how many fingers am i holding up?
  11. did you like this quizz???

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