TheFalcon18's Profile

Joined on Jun 4, 2020
Status Level: Novice
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TheFalcon18's Quizzes
- What kind of Troll are you?[published: Apr 26, 2020, 4 comments]
Trolls World Tour was just released and with it came lots of new kinds of trolls. I've been……
TheFalcon18's Recent Posts
"The Bible says that once you are saved, you cannot lose your salvation. However, all Christians doubt their salvation at some point. B"
TheFalcon18's Recent Quiz Comments
"There seems to be a surprising amount of people getting Reggaeton troll. I've tried editing it to make Reggaeton less common, but if it…"
In response to ChameleonLeap:
"Pop troll. Not a bad quiz, keep it up!"