Mrs Hale's Profile

Mrs Hale
Joined on Feb 21, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
Mrs Hale's Quizzes
- Your fave Twilight guy[published: Feb 21, 2010, 9 comments]
Hey this is my first real quiz so I hope you like it I used to be Alice now I'm Mrs Hale!!! So if you……
Mrs Hale's Recent Posts
"I'm team Jacob cause if Bella goes with Edward then he's ALL MINE!!!!!!!!! All 2 me!"
Mrs Hale's Recent Quiz Comments
"I don't get it I got mini athlete!!! WTF I don't even like sports watz wrong with this f@$!in quiz"
1 -
"Dam I wanted 2 get higher than 20 yrs old but I got 11-20! Sux ballz"
2 -
"Please commment"
1 -
"I think the quiz was alrite"
1 -
"I got Alice I've always wanted 2 b Alice but doesn't the name say it all anyway I love Jasper just like Alice and I could never live…"
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"Yeah I got We are broken I sometimes feel alone but I like it it's sort of fun cause you can do anything you want to do but my fave song by…"
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"YAY!!!! I got Alice asmy bff I like Alice I even sometimes want to be her!!!!!! That's seems really funny!"
1 -
"I got Jacob Black even though I like Jasper Jacob pretty hot"
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"U suck sum of those were wrong anyway his heritages are french dutch german and native american, his fave tv show so u think u can dance…"