flowerbby's Profile

Joined on Apr 20, 2021
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
flowerbby's Quizzes
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flowerbby's Recent Posts
"yabba dabba doo~"
"anyways, scrapping the new thread idea since the images won’t appear :’)"
"why is like, no one on?"
"uuuuuhhhh not here rn- lol"
"dude this pfp is frikkin cute WhY mUsT NiKi bE So bOoTiFuL?? fr tho, i wish i could look like this queen u^u"
"i'm in love with this song :') [no urls] dream's voice is so g o o d tho u^u"
"Ross ventured through the halls, spotting a large room with a large entryway, leading into what he figured was the cafeteria. He walked in, ..."
"( b u m p )"
"hey, at least it’s almost over i got out like a week or two ago, which i’m thankful for :’)"
"o o f sadge :’) when do you get out of school?"
"god, i sound like a big f—king baby. i’m sound like some lovesick sap who can’t get a boyfriend for the life of me, not that I’m even "
"( uh, history? yea, history lol ) Ross nodded, running a hand through his curly brown hair. He pushed his glasses up the bridge"
"np :3 anyways whatchu up to?"
"u h i could try lmao. should i start at where C2 finds C1?"
"alr, do you wanna go first or should i?"
flowerbby's Recent Quiz Comments
"Tysm for mentioning me! Pog quiz!! :3"
1 reply3 -
"Pog, 100%!
pog quiz!"1 reply2 -
"got Avarice. pretty accurate. pog quiz!"
1 -
"got red! kind of similar to my personality, but kind of close! pog quiz!"
1 -
"Tysm, Hannah! (this is Cloudy_Dxys, btw, just on a diff acc :3 you may also call me Kris, if that'd make it easier to refer to me :D)"
1 reply1 -
"Apparently I'm most like Tommy and Big Q. lol
Pog quiz!"1