chocolatebreeze's Profile


Joined on Jun 3, 2012
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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chocolatebreeze's Quizzes

  • An Immortal Heart Part 2
    [published: Sep 24, 2012]

    Sorry to all those who've been anticipating this. I had my exams and SOMEONE wouldn't even let me touch……

  • An Immortal Heart Part 1
    [published: Sep 01, 2012, 6 comments]

    Hello, cute little dumplings! This is my second quiz and first story quiz. Bear with me if I wrote like……

  • Could YOU Be My BFF?
    [published: Jul 18, 2012, 2 comments]

    Hey guys! So, there are a LOT of people out there, but it almost takes an eternity to find a friend that……

chocolatebreeze's Recent Posts

  • Would you rather?
    "Chair! because if I have to write anything I can write it on my lap (not literally, lol XP) Fish or Chicken?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Hufflepuff! because I don't like Cho and plus, I like Cedric ;) PersonXD: Umm.....drink Pickle juice? Have a witch nose(with "
  • Come take my quiz!
    "Hey guys! So this thread's about my very first quiz, and I wanted it to be a story quiz but I made some really MAJOR mistakes, and that's wh..."
  • Awkward Moments!
    "The time when me and my friends were playing tag and my friend deliberately pushed me and I ended falling on my crush, and he was like, "Be ..."
  • Come take my quiz!
    "Hey guys! So this thread's about my very first quiz, and I wanted it to be a story quiz but I made some really MAJOR mistakes, and that's wh..."
  • If anyone,
    "I can only think of a few: natuhleegayle HogwartsLove bagels and....... ....I forgot the rest. My brain's"
  • Would you rather?
    "Cute! Hair all over your face or Bad odor from your body forever?"
  • "I'd be rather be a boy"
  • "why the second; why not third, you know? Dream High!!!"
  • "Alright! So; what we gonna do?"

chocolatebreeze's Recent Quiz Comments
