Premonitions (part 2) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Premonitions (part 2).

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  • You're an increadible writer! You have me hooked :D You have so much talent and the way you write is incredible! So interesting! I love your ideas and the way you write them down. You are way beyond average and are extremely talented! 10/10.

    This particular story is exciting, adventurous and thank goodness, more sophisticated than "Boys, boys, boys!". Congradulations! x

  • My goodness! Your writing skills blow me away completely, I have to admit, I'm a tat bit jealous of your writing because you're so amazing! :)

  • great!

  • Oh my goodness gracious, I love this story, even though it's only the second part! I like the mystery aspect, and so far I'm liking the action! Can't wait for more :D

  • YAY!!! Good job! I really liked it, and I see you're still keeping the 'cliffhanger at the end of every quiz' tradition. But, hey, if it keeps the people coming, then why not? :D You are awesome, and I love your series. All of them. Even though I was devastated when I read "The Curse Forgotten".

    You are amazing, and should never stop! And, I want to tell everyone I know on here that I love them, because of the scare yesterday, and the mess I caused. Yup, it was all me! And, I have apologized sooo much for starting it.


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