My Akward Romance Part 1 (For guys)

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This quiz is for anyone who likes girls. . .or cats. Ill put recaps on all the beginings of the other ones.

Created by: Mr_Rwarr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are walking through the halls trying to get to your last class when the head cheerleader Beckie pushes you out of her way saying, "Move it loser!" her beautiful blonde hair floating behind her. You react how?
  2. When you get to your class, Science, you take the empty table in the back. Soon everyone files in just as the bell rings. Your teacher starts to take role just as the door swings open bringing a short skinny girl you've never seen before with it. Her braided brown hair flying she said, "Sorry I'm late i havn't gotten used to these halls yet." "Take any empty seat Ms. Morgan." says the teacher. The new girl runs to the seat next to you, you say. . .
  3. To what ever you said or didn't say, the girl says, "I'm Jane Morgan, nice to meet you _____." The class goes by as normal, you were thinking . . . the whole time.
  4. The bell rings and you hand Jane a piece of paper that says _____. You go to your locker and grab your bag and make your way to the buses.
  5. When you get on your bus you head to the seat you normally sit at but see that your buddie is sitting with Jane's brother. *pfft* You head to the back of the bus and find a almost empty seat, a cute looking goth girl is sitting there, you. . .
  6. What ever happened happened. The bus gets to your stop she starts to get up too. When you are both off the bus you walk to your house and watch her cross the street and walk three houses down. You think . . .
  7. You walk inside your house and kick off your shoes. they are. . .
  8. You brush through your hair. Its a ____ color.
  9. Did you guys like the quiz? No effect.
  10. Will you comment ways to make the next one better? No effect

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