Megans Crackhead Test

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The quiz is about what I think people are a crackhead for so don’t get offended if you don’t make a a higher score then someone else I just thought it would be fun to do this quiz no hard feelings!

It took a while to make this quiz SO DONT BULLY! Ok that’s all I had to say and ima hooded to write another paragraph about the quiz so here’s this. :)

Created by: Megan
  1. Do you like sucking 15 inch dicks?
  2. Should you be in my family? (school family)
  3. I’m too bored to put anymore questions
  4. Do you think I’m mean?
  5. Are you a boy or girl?
  6. Do you people usually call you a crackhead/ have I every called you a crackhead??
  7. Coochie Cream,Soy Sauce, or Ketchup?
  8. Are you a blood or crip?
  9. What’s your laugh like?
  10. Did this quiz make you question life?

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