Which discord crackhead are you.

Quizz to find out which discord person you are from people and info that I can remember. Other than that have fun and get someone decent :) yay have fun.

I need to hit 150 characters so this is a random paragraph so I hope you get the best one but we all know who that is so don’t lie when you don’t get them and have fun of cause.

Created by: Rio
  1. How active are you on Discord
  2. What’s your age range of your discord friends.
  3. Ever been staff on other servers?
  4. Do you play minecwaft
  5. Eu or America
  6. Pick a phrase.
  7. Who is your fav? (No effect)
  8. Erm I need 10 questions and got lazy so these have no effect. So click one.
  9. Same again
  10. Ugh one last one.

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Quiz topic: Which discord crackhead am I.
