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This quiz is just for fun! Dont be offended after!β™‘ btw im a girl im 12-14 yrs old if u wanna have real contact friend my roblox, my User is: Bin_sad1243 BYEEE HAVE FUN NOW

Im only doing this for fun so dont hate me help😭😭✌ anyway i hope u will have fun and remember ur answer make the result so choose wisely heheheπŸ‘Ή

Created by: Meryem
  1. What Style do u have?
  2. Whats ur Hair colour?
  3. What would a Date look like for u?πŸ™ˆ
  4. Are u clingy?
  5. What would u do if im sad/having a Mental breakdown?πŸ˜•
  6. Do u mind that i have Mental illnesses?πŸ™
  7. will u play roblox whit me while eating watermelons and strawberrys in chocolate?πŸ‘Ή
  8. Whats ur fav Sport? πŸ™ƒ
  9. Fav singer?
  10. Just choose oneπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™ˆ

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